Timesuck and Scared to Death.
Dan Cummins and, Queen of the suck, Lynze is the force behind Bad Magic Productions and the two great podcasts that I have come to enjoy over the past year. Yes, Covid proved good for something. I first caught Timesuck as a random recommendation on my Youtube feed and soon found myself watching as Dan relaid the events surrounding The Texas Killing fields. I have to say Dan has a unique approach to his podcast with his own unique brand of humour thrown in as he delves into the details of these particular subjects. It is thoroughly entertaining and informative, though I would imagine there are those that might find his humour a little controversial or blunt, I happen to love it. His take on Ed Kemper and several other individuals he covers often has me chuckling to myself and I will always enjoy his sponsored commercials as Woody relays his latest product on the show. The podcast covers a variety of subjects, from serial killers to the events surrounding the, now infamous, Skinwalker Ranch, and a great many cults. It remains one of my favourite informative podcasts and one that I enjoy catching whenever I can. I would recommend anyone that has an interest in a variety of subjects give this one a look and hopefully you will enjoy Dan's humour as much as I do. As a point of reference, I really enjoyed his Suck on the Wendigo and other American Indian Folklore monsters.
Scared to death is hosted by Dan and his wife Lynze and is probably my favourite of the two shows. The pair sit together in their studio and regale one another with creepy tales that they have picked out. The pair work well, the humour and banter that flows back and forth between stories are relaxed and genuinely entertaining, with Dan often commenting on Lynze's love of crystals and belief in the supernatural. Each week they unload with a different series of tales about the supernatural and then discuss what they liked about the stories or if they believed their validity, etc. Again the discussion is often the highlight of the episodes and I watch it, as much for this banter, as I do for the scary tales that are sent in or Dan and Lynze have researched. It is worth stating that at no point do the pair insist these stories are real but merely pick them out because of how interesting or scary they find them respectively. If you are a fan of scary stories and creepy what if's then I would suggest that you give the podcast a look/listen. You might watch/listen for the stories being told but most will stay for Dan and Lynze.
Anyway, hope you're having a great weekend and decide to give them a look. Feel free to let me know if you gave them a try and until next time folks have a good one.