Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden review.
Chris Perkins loves the Thing. That has been said by the man himself but even if he hadn't this book gives it away. A clear influence in this Adventure's design and story, it runs through the heart of this wintery horror story that puts the adventuring party in the center of the snowy domain of Icewind Dale. Icewind Dale is a familiar setting, it has featured in many of the Drizzt novels and has been utilised in the past by video games and other adventures alike. This wintry northland sits north of the Spine of the World mountains and houses the famous Ten towns. As an avid reader of the books by R.A. Salvatore, this is a familiar and comforting place to be in but it seems things have changed with the arrival of the Goddess Auril. The Frostmaiden has cast a spell over these lands and hidden the sun from view, a supernatural state that means that winter never leaves and the snow never melts, a pall of darkness stretching out for miles in all directions. Auril has come to this place to hide from the world and she is intent on ensuring that Icewind Dale remains hidden regardless of the needs of those that call this place home. Like all of their releases, this one has the adventure laid out in summary form at the beginning with details of what is occurring within the Dale. It is clear that something needs to be done if the people of the Dale and the Ten Towns are to survive, fell forces are beginning to take advantage of this endless gloom and this opens up avenues for any party of adventurers to take.
Here we move on and look through the dangers of this icy environment and some character ideas and options. I liked the idea of the secrets section but this is hardly an extensive part of the book. We continue on to the first part of the adventure as we begin to explore the Ten Towns and adventure hooks that each of these towns can open up to our adventurers. This is an extensive section with notable NPCs noted for use and how the townsfolk are reacting to the Everlasting Rime. This entire chapter gives a variety of adventure hooks that the DM can utilise or adapt to their own version of the adventure, the ideas here are plentiful. The book continued onwards, expanding into Icewind Dale itself, and continues to add a number of possible directions for the party to take and options for the DM on how to reach the next part of the book. The adventure within can lead to interactions with the Duergar and the fell plans their leader has for the folk of Ten Towns. The adventure builds as the party are tasked with defeating this threat and then moving on to dealing Auril herself and the spell she has cast upon the Dale. More interestingly, at least in my mind, is the continuation leading to the ancient Netherese flying city that has remained hidden beneath the ice of the tale for centuries. Here is the most obvious nod to the Thing and it works well as the adventurers are placed within an environment that has been shaped by utter isolation, along with the threats inherent to the city itself. It would spoil the adventure to go into too much detail but I found the overriding story interesting with plenty of space to customise it to the DM's liking.
Like any adventure, we have the monster section, some interesting additions for winter environments being a fairly obvious choice here. I have to admit being something of a fan of the new Squidling variant that the adventure brings into play. Further, on from this, we have the mandatory magic items, none too wild or unique this time but fairly standard to the story. Some integral to the story as is often the case with these tomes. All in all, it is more of what we have come to expect from Wizards of the Coast.
I enjoyed the setup of this adventure. I liked the isolation and harsh environment that will punish the adventuring party if they aren't careful. I'm always a fan of greater exploration of one of my favourite areas of the Forgotten Realms, and this region has been of import since Drizzt's earliest adventures. I would recommend that any fan of the 'Forgotten Realms' give this book a look, especially if you're a fan of horror as this game has some great elements peppered throughout.
I'd give this tome a 4 out 5 and recommend any DM give this one a look. Hopefully, you can utilise it to add new and interesting elements to your own campaign. Let me know in the comments what you think of this book, if you've used it in your campaign and if disagree with my little summary.