Gothgul Hollow by Anna Stephens. A review.
This was my first time reading anything by Anna Stephens, and I was glad I gave this entry into Warhammer horror a chance. This new sub-genre within the Black Library is rapidly proving to be my favourite, though I'm somewhat biased as Horror has always been a favourite for me. Having read a number of them now, I had a level of expectation, an idea of what to expect from future entries. Though there is a familiar formula to this book, the story proved exceptionally well written with a surprising twist towards the end. I am looking forward to what Anna Stephens will write next after this one. Hopefully, they will keep her on these characters and further the narrative. I am definitely interested in seeing what other stories the Games Workshop crew has in store.
This story is a horror of multiple themes. We have a monster story, a haunting, a curse of sorts, and a mystery. It centers around four main protagonists and is set in the realm of Shyish during the Age of Sigmar. There is a fifth character that plays an important role, but I don't want to give too much away. The main gist of this story focuses on the history of the Gothgul family. Father and daughter stand at the heart of it all, their relationship strained by time and loss. The Hollow is under attack by some strange bloodthirsty creature, a curse upon the town and its people. As the ruling nobles, they seek to protect those within their ancestral lands though they have had little success. As the story begins, we find the creature stalking a wayward townsperson foolishly outside when the howls signal its approach. Things do not go well for him, his life ends painfully, but we are introduced to the first of our protagonists through the opening. Runar has been hired to hunt this beast down, he has brought his people with him, and they have, so far, done little more than find the bodies. The body is taken to the castle, to the awaiting Gothguls. There, along with Tiberius Grim Aaric's best friend, and Edrea's uncle, they begin the study of the corpse. A corpse that is found to be drained of blood, like all the others. Something that should be impossible, given the freshly slain nature of the corpse. There is a supernatural nature to this creature, when fired upon and injured, it seems to be unaffected by the damage inflicted upon it. Edrea theories that it is feeding on each kill, that the blood is giving it strength. This theory proves to be partly correct, but there is more to the creature than any of them have realized.
All that is happening in this tale is related to events in the past. Events that Edrea is unaware of but are tied to her. There is much that Aaric has not told her about her mother, Hephzibah. Edrea is adamant that her father is lying to her about something, something about her mother. Before we discover what that is, Runar has taken to hunting the creature down. It is a hunt that goes badly for Runar and his companions. Some discoveries are made through his interaction with the entity. Those discoveries come at the cost of those Runar holds dear, however. It almost costs the hunter his life also. The timely arrival of Edrea and her father saves Runar from meeting his demise and reveals more of the entity's nature. The next part of the story plays out in the castle, Runar waking to a strange vision that leads to a blood binding coming to each of the four protagonists. After this occurs, the story of the events leading to Hephzibah's death is revealed, along with some family secrets.
After discovering what happened to her family before her birth, Edrea is more determined to bring this event to a close. The events spiral into a conclusion of desperate battle as they enact a final gambit. Stephens does a great job of taking this in a direction I did not see coming, revealing a character I had not read in years. This reintroduction is startling, a message brought with them that tells of far greater danger to come. This is a much-changed version to the one I knew, and there is enough revealed to make me each for the next outing. With this being a horror/mystery tale, I have done my best not to spoil anything, hopefully, the above covers enough to pique your interest.
This is an easy 8 out of 10 stars. It is a well-written book with great action sequences and amazingly fleshed-out characters. I would recommend this book to any fan of horror novels, mystery novels, and the Age of Sigmar books. Give it a look if you're looking for anything new and are interested in one of the best stories from Warhammer Horror novels.