Showing posts with label chaos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chaos. Show all posts

Legion of the Damned by Rob Sanders. A re-read of a book I enjoyed years ago, looking at the Excoriators chapter and the strange Legion that serves the Emperor beyond death.


Legion of the Damned, by Rob Sanders. A review.

    I hadn't heard of the Excoriator's chapter before reading this book. And upon learning they were one of Dorn's chapters, I was somewhat nervous about whether I would enjoy reading about them. Like with the Ultramarines, I have found the Imperial Fists and their successor chapters boring. Thankfully, that did not prove to be the case here. This chapter carries the weight of Dorn's wrath and loss, his moment of despair after the events of the Horus Heresy, and they strive through adversity by enduring all that is thrown at them. They practice ritualistic self-flagellation, punishing themselves for their misdeeds and the failures they see in themselves. This is a Space Marine chapter that wins through attrition. They take the punishment and win by weathering the storm. More than that, they carry a curse in their genetics, a darkness that can come upon a brother and wash them away into the moment of Dorn's darkest hour. This curse plays heavily into how the events of this book play out.

    The Excoriator's chapter has suffered under recent attacks by the Alpha Legion, their Chapter Master injured and poisoned in the attack, and many of their first company slain. They have to come to fight in a meet called the Feast of Blades to pit their champions against the champions of fellow sons of Dorn. They intend to regain some of their lost honor, but the Feast does not go well for them. Every one of their champions has fallen, and the captain is left with only one possible fighter left to take the field. A warrior he is loathed to use, one who has been lost to the Darkness. A warrior that had been given the title of the Scourge. Zakariah Kersh is lost to the Darkness, but they believe there is a way to shock him out of it, to bring this warrior out of this trance-like state. And that is what they do, rousing the former champion out of the Darkness to face the rivals amid the Feast of Blades. Kersh is a beast, highly destructive with a lack of grace but great killing prowess. He lacks the artistry of his opponents, but he seeks only to take his foes down as swiftly and brutally as possible. He cuts through his opponents so fiercely that the final bout is a three-way clash. Kersh is placed against the champion of the Black Templars chapter and the Imperial Fists chapter. What follows is not a pretty fight, all three are unwilling to lose readily, and Kersh finds himself struggling to beat the two skilled warriors. He takes the win, though barely, and falls unconscious before being declared the winner. Bringing honor to his chapter, he is rewarded with the captaincy of the 5th company. This does not please him. Kersh believes that he is being punished and that their chapter master does not want him back with the 1st due to his failure to protect their Chapter master against the Alpha Legion attack. Now, he has to lead warriors that do not want him and has to learn to be a leader after a lifetime of being a weapon. After looking upon the Dornsblade, a sacred relic, Kersh is sent on his mission.

    Sent to Cerus-Minor, Kersh is aware of a potential threat, but he is honor bound to attend to this duty. His brothers are not in agreement but are held to their oaths. Landing on the planet of St Ethalberg, they head to see those that have summoned them to uphold their sworn oath. Things proceeded with a great deal of violence at the initial meeting, at least for those that had called the Space Marines with the expectation of control over them. Kersh is not one for democracy, he is not built for it, but he knows how to turn things to his advantage. And he uses knowledge and violence to make his point. After he makes his point and strengthens his position, Kersh agrees to continue securing Cerus-Minor against the potential threat of the Keeler comet and the death that follows in its wake. Kersh believes he is still suffering the effects of the Darkness, visited by an Astartes clad in black armor and bone. This specter haunts the captain as if judging the Excoriator, often lingering in the shadows as he does his duties. Sent to Cerus-minor to deal with a  potential threat, the 5th company finds itself in a far more dire situation than anticipated. With the Cholercaust on its way, no chance of reinforcements, and a strange bloodlust affecting the world, the Excoriators are left in a dire situation. One that spirals rapidly.

    The world of Cerus-minor is assaulted by demons and cultists alike. The world besieged, the defenders fighting for their lives and the lives of their families, Kersh bearing the weight of holding this world against utter destruction. The Scourge is determined to save some of the people of this world, something that has not happened in any other world assaulted, and is willing to sell his life to achieve it. The defence inevitably is forced closer to the city centre, pushed inwards as the very populace becomes a threat, taken over by a crazed rage. The Excoriators are skilled warriors with powerful weapons, but there are only so many of them, and even they are not immune to the fell influence of the comet.Throughout it all the spectre remains close to Kersh, watching in silence. And with a desperate plan in motion the Excoriators wait for the Cholercaust to make planetfall.

This book is a great read. It is a great example of the violence of this universe and the lore that is threaded throughout it. A great deal more occurs than I have outlined here, enough that I would not want to spoil it for any potential future reader. I do hope that there are more stories told about Zakariah Kersh but I haven't seen any yet. I have always enjoyed when 40k lore is expanded, and when we are introduced one of the many chapters that exist in this war torn galaxy. I would recommend this book to any fan of Warhammer 40k and military sci-fi. It is an easy 8 out of 10 and a great read.

Darkness in the Blood, by Guy Haley. Dante and Mephiston address the threat of the Rage and the Thirst, as Dante deals with ruling far from the safety of Terra. The Blood Angels legacy lies in the hands of their chief Librarian, if he's strong enough to weather it.


Darkness in the Blood, by Guy Haley. A review.

    I have always been a fan of Space Marines and the characters that make up their ranks. While the Ultramarines are the current favorites in the lore, the return of Guilliman putting them front and center, there are other Chapters that I have enjoyed more. My favorites are the Space Wolves, the Salamanders, the Raven Guard, and the Blood Angels. Compared to the Ultramarines, they all seem to have more personality to their Chapters. That is not to say that the stories around the Ultramarines have been poor in any way, just that they seem a little boring in direct comparison to the others. As a youth, I collected armies of space marines, and my first models were of the Blood Angels Chapter. They were an impressive force even then. Even back then, Mephiston was a figure of awe, of terrible power. The Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels, the one who died and was resurrected with control over the Rage. Dante has been their commander from the Blood Angels' beginnings, a figure of authority that has led the Blood Angels for close to a thousand years. Having read books surrounding Mephiston before, I was eager to see where Guy Haley would take the expanding lore around this central character. This book does a great job of highlighting that lore.

    Commander Dante has been appointed as Regent and Warden of Imperium Nihilus, parted from the rest of the Imperium by the Great Rift. After surviving the attack on Baal, the remaining Blood Angel chapter and their Successor Chapters have been reinforced with the Primaris Marines gifted to them by the Primarch Roboute Guilliman. Guilliman wants him to take back this region of space, push back their enemies, and rise again as the dominant force in the galaxy. The only problem is that the Blood Angels' flaw is growing. We open on Dante's ship traveling through the Warp, the Commander in his sarcophagus, as it attempts to help his wounds heal. It appears that his body is failing with age. This matter is something that is not spoken of in the lore. When do the added organs and enhancements begin to fail? And does age affect a space marine?  It is made clear that Dante is over a thousand years old, which is ancient compared to many other space marines. Space Marine commanders exist that are closer to his age, and they display none of the detriments that affect Dante. Sleeping in his sarcophagus, Dante dreams of the events that led to him becoming the Blood Angels' commander. During Dante's slumber, the ships are directed through the warp by the efforts of the Chief Librarian. It used to be that the Navigators would travel through the warp with the light of the Astronomican to guide them, but that is no longer true. Mephiston leads them through a ritual performed by himself and his acolytes, his consciousness in the warp itself. As they conduct this ritual, Rhacelus is watching over them and guarding them against being lost to the hungry things that call the Warp home. What Mephiston is attempting requires an ability and a will beyond that of most of his fellow Librarians, any exposing their souls to the Warp should bring them instant death. This display is another example of the power that he possesses. 

    As they travel through the Warp, the ships are under constant strain, buffeted by the tides of the Warp. Their crew struggles under a similar strain. The pressure of traveling the Warp pushes some to breaking point. A rebellion breaks out on one ship, the captain of another battleship deals with the weight of failure, and Dante continues to sleep fitfully. Things go from bad to worse, enough that Dante is forced from his coma to deal with a demonic incursion. After being pushed back into realspace, Dante and Mephiston work to battle this incursion so that they may take back their ships and return to Baal. The Blood Angels return to Baal after clearing the battleships of the demonic threat and head for the space station, Skyfall.

    This story revolves around Mephiston's powers growing out of control, the effect he has on his fellow Blood Angels, and the idea of his death again to be reborn as a Primaris marine. He is one of the few firstborns to cross the Rubicon, taking the same risks that Marneus Calgar did. Throughout this book, we see how Dante is dealing with this leadership that has been thrust upon him and how the Primaris marines view this ancient warrior. It is interesting to see these untested warriors pass judgment on one of the greatest warriors of the Imperium. It would be amusing if they didn't make up such a large number of Dante's warriors. Making things worse for all of them is the impact Mephiston is having on the Blood Angels around him. 

    Several sub-plots run through the book that helps to flesh out the main characters. Dante's attempts to save Admiral Danakan, retelling how he became the leader of the Blood Angels to show the man that fear can be worked through. It may be a failed effort, but Dante tries nonetheless. Mephiston's rebirth is a unique event, lost beneath the blades of his surgeons as his mind and spirit are elsewhere. To say too much would spoil it for any would-be reader, so I'll not say any more. It is worth picking up the book just for what Mephiston experiences as he passes through the Rubicon. 

    I'd give this book an easy 8 out of 10 stars. It is a great read that expands on the lore surrounding the Blood Angels and gives definite clues as to where they are headed. It provides greater insight into Dante, though it focuses as much on the Chief Librarian. Seeing into the mind of such a veteran warrior struggling amid this time of change gives a unique outlook on the return of the Primarch and the Great Rift. This is one for the fans of the Blood Angels and any fan of sci-fi in general. I'd recommend it to any fan of Warhammer 40k and readers in general. 

The Book of Martyrs, a Sisters of Battle trilogy of short stories. A look at the religious warriors of the Imperium, and the making of a Martyr in this grim universe.


The Book of Martyrs, a review.

    This book is a trio of stories by three authors of the Black library. Each one looks at the events surrounding the martyrdom of the respective Sisters of Battle. The Sisters of Battle are interesting figures in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are fierce warriors, utterly devoted to the divine figure of the God-Emperor. This is always ironic considering what the Emperor had strode towards in the years before Horus' betrayal. These stories look at the martyrdom of Sister Ishani, Sister Anarchia, and Sister Laurelyn. Each story is well told, and they show different examples of how a Sister can reach such martyrdom in the 40k universe. These stories are varied stylistically and in their messages of faith. Especially in regards to their particular belief in the Emperor. Of the three, The Martyrdom of Laurelyn is my personal favorite, though I enjoyed all of them.

    The Martyrdom of Sister Ishane is the first of the three. Sister Ishane is a Hospitaller, a healer as much as she is a warrior. She has taken on the responsibilities of the previous Hospitaller, on a moon amid a meteor field in a region of space known as Segmentum Obscurus. She has joined her Sisters of the Valorous Heart in the agri-bunker, Persepia Solitaris. Whilst there, not able to contact anyone amid the debris field, they discover that something has come to the moon, something foul and alien. It is a desperate fight to keep the creatures from attaining their goal. It is a fight that rapidly turns against them. Sister Ishane sets on a desperate course of action, a course of action that is destined to bring about her ending regardless of the outcome. The fighting is well written and the story reveals a unique look at a familiar enemy. The Tyranids are impeccable foes, relentless and unknowable. Sister Ishane is a torn figure, holding onto her belief in the Emperor but angry at the sudden turn of events. Sister Ishane finds herself at odds with how different things are from how she had come to believe her life would play out. That conflict does not shake her from what she knows must be done in the face of this attack.

    The Martyrdom of Sister Anarchia is a simpler tale. Captured by the Tau, the story unfolds with the sister held by the Xenos. Her captors seek to turn one of the famed Sisters of Battle to their side. No Sister of Battle has been turned before and they plan for her to be the first. Through the use of familiar tactics, they are seeking to discover the source of her faith. The Tau believe that they can discover how her faith works and discover at what point her faith can be turned against her. The Tau are hoping to turn that knowledge to their advantage in the conflict with the Imperium moving forward. As a people they have little use for religion, they find the idea strange but are willing to use it to further their message of the Greater Good. Sister Anarchia endures weeks of torture, unable to ever get a moment of sleep as they seek to keep her awake until exhaustion overwhelms her. It is a useful technique and one that gives the impression that they are treating her well by most standards. They even let her keep her power armour. That choice is predicated on the belief that the armour is not a weapon, and may provide her some comfort. As she endures her capture, the reader is shown moments of her time on the planet with her squad. The events that led to her capture by the Tau are shown in flashbacks. I enjoyed how the story showed her enduring such treatment yet remaining vigilant for the moment to seek a way to hurt her captors, to turn a momentary lax to her advantage.

    The Martyrdom of Sister Laurelyn is a siege tale. A single squad from the Order of the Bloody Rose stands on a world besieged by Chaos, led by the newly appointed Sister Superior. Of them all, this felt like the most familiar of the trio. A single squad of warriors is set against innumerable foes with a mission to complete. Her squad has come to a world that has worshipped the Emperor as the God-in-the mountain returning to guide them back to the religion of the greater Imperium. These faithful face an army of Chaos, people, and things that worship Grandfather Nurgle. The people of Bellepheron face the army of the Vanaar and find themselves pushed back. Pushed back to a bastion that has weathered such storms before. The Sister Superior has her squad in place, attempting to advise the leaders of the Keep as the siege approaches but finding her warnings shot down by their long-serving general. As a new arrival to the planet, an obvious outsider, they are reluctant to heed her advice, but she remains determined to carry out her duties. It is obvious from the beginning of the siege that no allies are coming, no sanctuary to retreat to, and all they have are those within the city walls. Against the legions of the Chaos forces, there is little chance of survival here.  That does not daunt Laurelyn or her Sisters. 

    Each story is set against the backdrop of the Indomitus Crusade, and the changes wrought to the galaxy by the fell ambitions of Chaos. It is interesting to see how the timeline influences these stories and how this new 'normal' has impacted those throughout the galaxy. The book does a good job of expanding the lore surrounding the Sisters of Battle, and those that they fight. 

    I would recommend this book to any fan of the Warhammer 40k universe. It is an easy read, with each story novella sized. They are easy to digest quickly in this format. The action is well written, but each one works best when focusing on the characters. The struggles of the Sisters are what really drive each story. Thankfully, each author has a distinctive authorial voice and utilizes that to give each story its own feel.

    I'd give this book a seven out of ten stars. It is a solid read that I enjoyed. It might not be for everyone, it depends on your view on the Sisters of Battle. It does a great job of expanding the lore on the Sisters of Battle. I would recommend it to fans of sci-fi and grim-dark. 

The Reverie, by Peter Fehervari. A review. A Warhammer Horror Novel that centres on the Angels Resplendent Chapter and the rot at the core of their world.


The Reverie, by Peter Fehervari. A review.

    I have read several of the recent Warhammer Horror novels, and I have been mildly impressed so far. It helps that this universe lends itself so well to horror stories, in my opinion. The book features the Angel's Resplendent Chapter, a Space Marines chapter that I had first seen in Requiem Infernal, another novel written by Fehervari. In that novel, something had felt off about this chapter. Their ethos and manners reminded me more of the followers of Slaanesh than loyalist chapters. I have no idea if this was Fehervari's intent, but I read that book waiting for the reveal to come. In this novel, we learn that the chapter is a successor chapter of the Blood Angels, who have found a way to manage the curse in their blood. Nothing comes without a price, though.

    The story begins with a band of survivors hiding from some great horror that has been unleashed upon their town. The story follows the pov of the Ghost boy, an outcast that can feel the presence of the creature in his mind along with the thoughts of those around him. Though he has led them to temporary safety, he is not one of them, and they give him nothing but disdain for his efforts. Events play out and lead them to the temple at the center of the town, where the scene plays out, and we leave just as they push into the interior. This opening plays into the greater overall arc of the story, so it is worth keeping note of the players here. The mystery within the story is one of the highlights of the book, and so I'll do my best not to spoil too much. 

    The next part of the story begins with the Traveller. The man pushes into the wilderness as he attempts to find something, the story flashing back to his past as we learn that he is seeking the Reverie and the Angels Resplendent. This journey has brought him far from his own world, the journey one as much of the spiritual as the physical. Often he flashes back to the events that brought him to this world, striding through a place that presents more danger than he is first aware of. It is in this place that he comes across the massive form of Satori, saved by the Angel Resplendent. Satori has his own reasons for venturing into this dangerous place, but we do not discover that until later in the book. The unusual aspect of this realm is an intriguing device, as we're never entirely sure how much of it is real and how much belongs outside the world of the material. Something of this place follows them both, no matter how far they roam from it.

    We are introduced to more characters as we move from the Reverie, more of the Angels' Resplendent and those that serve with, and under them. I liked the use of the names given to them after they become fully-fledged Astartes, names such as Caravaggio and Borges. It gave them a very distinctive feel, a uniqueness to the chapter, that made them stand out well against the majority of other loyalist chapters. That is not an easy thing to do, given the variety of Space Marine chapters that exist in the 40k universe. The history of this chapter is somewhat murky, and the story alludes to some great change within their hierarchy as they sought to deal with the twin curses of the Red Thirst and the Black Rage. This event left a mark upon the chapter and created the Mirrored Path, but there is more to it than many know. It left a wound that some have sought a way to heal before it can cause damage to the chapter that cannot be undone. With Knight Exemplar Czervantes returning to the world of Malperitus, we get someone that is dealing with his doubts regarding his position of leadership, forced to take that place after the fall of his predecessor. Again there is more here than just the surface level of the story implies, layers that feed into the overall mystery at the heart of this book.

    The story's key elements center around the Reverie, hence the name, and what had been born there. Each of the protagonists plays a role in how the story unfolds and how it will impact the Angel's Resplendent as a whole. I liked the use of corruption, of taking decadence too far and becoming something darker. It all hinted that the very core of the world and those upon it had begun a fall of some kind whilst never being too overt with it. Fehervari kept the pace and tension well throughout the book, never giving too much away. The story's conclusion works well enough that I am hoping to see more by Fehervari in the future, along with the Angel's Resplendent.

    In all, The Reverie is a great book, a solid read that works well right up until the end, and it leaves enough mystery to keep a healthy interest in what may come next. The inclusion of Warhammer Horror means that the Games workshop company continues to branch out in the literary world, and this is a great addition to what has already been released. I am always keeping an eye out for what is to come, and there are several new releases that I am looking forward to reading.

    The Reverie is a great read for fans of horror and Warhammer. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars. I highly recommend it as an introduction to Warhammer Horror and a great representation of Fehervari's work. A great read for Sci-fi and horror fans in general. 

Honourbound by Rachel Harrison, a review. A great novel with well written characters and great attention to detail. 40k at its best.


Honourbound by Rachel Harrison, a review.

    I got this book in a bundle collection, and up until I began to read through the first pages, I had never read anything by Rachel Harrison before. I am glad that is no longer the case. The story follows the journey of the Commissar Severina Raine, assigned to the Eleventh Antari Rifles. Under the High Command of the Bale Stars Crusade, they seek to deal with the Sighted and rid the Bale Star cluster of their influence. The Eleventh is a mix of characters that stand out well, even amid the chaos of this crusade. Harrison has given them all a strong sense of identity and agency that makes them feel unique and important to the story. Raine stands out amongst them all as the main protagonist but only just. Through the events that surround Raine and her companions, we get a story that spans the world they seek to free from the clutches of the Sighted. More than that, we get a deep look into Raine's backstory and the events that have shaped the Commissar and forged her into the warrior she is. In many ways, we get a woman that is haunted by the actions of others, determined to ensure that she stands strong where others could not.

    The story begins simply enough. They seek to rid the planet of the sighted, to remove this stain on the Bale systems, and return the order to every world that continues to fight against the chaos incursion. That simplicity will fade as we delve into a story steeped into corruption, of a force that works within the crusade to subvert their efforts and may even be in league with the Sighted. Raine begins her investigation into this potential and discovers that the threat runs deeper than she could imagine. It threatens not just herself but all those under her command. The story holds up well, with a deep connection to Raine's past. We see how the fear of death and of defeat can drive some to dire or desperate actions. Among the collection of characters that make up Grey Company, Wyck, Lydia Zane, and Andren Fel are easily my favorites. Wyck is a mess of violence and fear, Zane the outcast among her people, and Fel is the most dangerous of them all, the silent dagger in the dark. Harrison weaves a great history around the Antari that bleeds into everything, their beliefs are always on display and inform their interactions. It gives the Antari a unique feel and makes them feel more real amid the mass of armies that fill the lore of the 40k universe. I have to give praise to Harrison for that, outside of the Tanith First and only, rarely do the Imperial Guard feel so individual. She utilizes that individuality to help drive them and show just how effective a force they are.

    The action in this book is written well. It has a frenetic feel as we follow Wyck and his 'Wyldfolk', the sergeant moving faster and further ahead than any of those that follow him. He is constantly in motion, and it feels that no matter what he achieves, it is never enough for him. The action around Zane, the primaris psyker, highlights the danger of one of her potential and shows just how much these individuals should be feared in the Warhammer 40k universe. From her interactions in a space within the mind and the destruction she levels on the field of battle, Zane is written as someone with a great deal of focus and purpose. Andren Fel leads the scout squad that is used for a number of purposes, and he is written like a thoughtful but dangerous man, the father figure to those beside him and someone born to the shadows. There is more to each of them and we discover that as the story unfolds, we see aspects to each of them that their companions do not, see what lies beneath the surface. Interestingly we get the hint of a possible romance between Raine and Fel, something that is not common in the 40k books I've read but it works in the background and never feels forced. 

    This is a mystery story amid the background of armies at play, it works best when it centers on the characters and their POV, Harrison is a great character writer and I look forward to more entries in the future. I certainly hope Games Workshop utilizes her more as they expand the new storyline amid the return of Guilliman. 

    I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars. It is a great read for any 40k fan. It works well on a number of levels, and I look forward to where Raine's story might lead next. If you are a fan of sci-fi and/or grimdark then this book is definitely worth a look. Let me know if you've read this book or have any more recommendations for 40k or sci-fi in general.

Dark Imperium: Godblight review


Godblight by Guy Haley

    The Avenging Son walks the material realm once more and seeks to restore the might of the Imperium back amongst the great expanse of space. He has faced his brother Mortarion once already and pushed him back to the rotting garden of Iax as the forces of the Lord of Death seek to drag the realm of Ultramar into the warp itself. He has faced much, the forces of chaos lined against him and his sons, the new force of the Primaris marines dispersed through the galaxy to reinforce the beleaguered ranks of the firstborn marines. And now he must question the very nature of faith as the events of the previous book in the series weigh heavily on the returned Guilliman. He is destined to face his brother once more and this time the very fate of Ultramar rests on the outcome

    I enjoyed the previous books immensely. Seeing Guilliman return to the Imperium after his miraculous resurrection has been a highlight in the recent works from Games Workshop. To see this mighty being struggle with his return and this age where all his 'father's hopes for the Imperium of mankind have fallen to ruin. As so much knowledge has been lost and chaos has inflicted so much destruction upon the galaxy, it has been a great character study of the Primarch. He should be broken by the immensity of his task, of the weight of responsibility that he bears, and yet he marches on, a being of implacable will and utter conviction. It is at this time that he begins to question the nature of faith and if his Father could indeed be a God. He has to face the possibility, though he is reluctant to assign any validity to this possibility as it is merely theoretical, no proving factors have occurred to shape the Primarch's thought process at the time of the conversation. It is interesting to see Guilliman clash with Mathieu as the militant-apostolic is convinced that the Emperor is with them, that Guilliman's Father is directing all of this. This trans-human figure comes from a time when the Emperor sought to crush the very idea of Gods and religion, a time when the Emperor walked the Galaxy and interacted with his sons. Guilliman remembers a being that always insisted it was not a God and he now has to wrestle against an organization that recognizes the Emperor as such. All this whilst leading his crusade to push the forces of chaos and his fallen brother from his realm. 

    The writing is, as always with Guy Haley, especially good at times of combat. It remains tight and focused throughout with great attention to some of the more grotesque details of the fallen world and the effects of Nurgle upon those around its followers. I have enjoyed his portrayal of Guilliman, very much a man out of time, though man is not the correct word to describe the weapon that the Emperor had forged to fight his wars. We get a good hint at the events playing out beyond the Plague Wars, Nurgle moving his forces from this front as the other Chaos Gods begin to move against one another, Mortarion refusing to shift focus from his brother and his plans surrounding Ultramar. As the events of this battlefield play out we get hints and more about what is to come next in the lore surrounding Warhammer 40k, though one particular play by the forces of Nurgle I saw staggering over the hill, it was not the most subtle of nods to that which has been but it will be interesting to see how they implement it. I look forward to more after the conclusion to this book and I have confidence that it will be told well. Guy Haley is a talented author and has handled this trilogy wonderfully.

    So all in all I would rate this a 4 out of 5. There are a few niggly issues around pacing, for me at least, but for the most part, the story unfolds well. I would recommend any fan of Sci-fi to give this a look and any Warhammer 40k fan should most definitely seek this book out. Until next time, folks.