The House of Night and Chain by David Annandale, a review. A great Haunted House novel in the Warhammer 40k universe, takes some of the great tropes and twists them to their own brand of horror.


The House of Night and Chain by David Annandale. A review.

    After reading several Warhammer Horror novels, I have come to expect solid writing from each of their authors. David Annandale does not fail to meet that expectation. This book proved to be better than I had expected, using the familiar tropes of Haunted House stories and yet managing to incorporate them to fit into the Warhammer universe setting. I was so impressed that I immediately dived into another of his works, The Deacon of Wounds, which I am part way through. Being familiar with the Warhammer 40k universe and horror in general I went into the story with certain expectations. The story took turns that I did not see coming and followed a narrative that ensured you are never sure how it will play out. 

    A great Haunted House story works well as a mystery. You are drawn into the mystery of the house along with the protagonist, spiralling down with them and unable to pull yourself away. This book does that brilliantly, at least in my opinion. I couldn't put the book down, and considering I read it whilst off sick with the flu, that is quite an impressive feat. The story follows Colonel Maeson Strock as he returns to the planet Solus and takes his position as Planetary Governor. This is a man that has been broken by events of war and personal loss, he is holding himself together, but it is a tentative hold. He has been given the duty of seeking out corruption within the council, informed that the tithes from the planet have fallen below what they should be. Upon returning to Solus, and the city of Valgaast, Maeson is to take up residence in the ancestral mansion of Malveil. It is Malveil that his uncle ruled from, and Malveil where his wife resided once she took up a council seat in his stead. The place where she died whilst he continued to serve off-world. Maeson is a man wracked with guilt, both for the death of his troops and the part, he believes, he played in his wife's suicide. In many ways, he is a man on the edge, but he holds tightly to his duty, firm in his belief that he can root out this corruption. He is also attempting to reunite with his estranged children, children he hasn't seen in close to thirty years. This inner turmoil and his desire to reconnect to his family make him a compelling character, though it makes him open to the manipulations of the dark forces of Malveil.

    From the outset, the mansion begins to work on him. It attacks his certainty in his reality, showing him things that threaten to disassociate him from the present and those around him. It begins subtly at first, infiltrating his dreams as the horrors of the war work on him, digging deeper into his psyche over time. It is difficult to tell what is real and what is imagined. Maeson's ability to tell the two apart falters over time as the essence of the mansion works on his fractured mind. He often believes that his children are in the mansion seeking his protection, seeing them as young children rather than the adults they have become. Over time, Maeson sees his dead wife, following her throughout the house. She leads him to her journal in the Librarium, and he finds himself compelled to read it, convinced she is trying to communicate with him. This belief becomes his dominant thought. So consumed by it that it fractures his hold on reality. 

    Maeson's mission to seek out corruption brings him into direct opposition with the head of the council and the descendent of his family's ancient rivals, Veth Montfor. She is at the root of the corruption. She controls the other council members but is far too insulated for Maeson to make a move directly. He needs to find a way to weaken her position, and he has only a few allies to call upon. One of those is Adrianna Veiss, a friend of old, and without her, he would flounder in his attempts to bring the other council members to heel. The political situation and his duty to bring the tithes back to where they had been during his uncle's tenure, added more pressure to the new Governor. A pressure that pushes at his already fragile mind. It often seems that he is being assaulted from many different angles, and it isn't until further into the story that we discover how they are all interconnected. Nothing in this story is as simple as it first appears.

    This book is simply brilliant. It kept me hooked from the get-go, and the mystery behind the house and the family connected to it was enough to keep me reeled into it throughout.  I highly recommend this book to any fan of horror, and that goes double for those that enjoy Haunted House stories specifically. The slow decay of Maeson's grip on reality is done fantastically, the depth of his madness is only revealed to him in the closing pages. This is a story where no one comes out unscathed, where the House wins, and only a sort of stalemate is reached. It is a dark tale where the light is unable to push back the night for long.

    This book is an easy 9 out of 10 stars. It is a great read and will keep you hooked right until the end. Give this book a go, you won't be disappointed.

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