Showing posts with label action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label action. Show all posts

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, a review. What did I just watch and what's with all the character assassination in this film? How can all the previous films be so much better than this?


Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, a review.

    Having just played through the remake of Resident Evil 4, I was feeling nostalgic for the Resident Evil universe. I wanted to look at this film and see what it brought to the table. Having thought the Mila Jovovich films were fun but not linked to the games remotely, I wondered if this closer adaptation would be any good. Unfortunately, it falls short. That's not to say there aren't good moments in there, but it feels like a poor copy of richer material. Now the game is over twenty years old, and there is room for a reinterpretation, but they fail to hold true to what makes some of these characters interesting and even change their backstories to fit this new narrative. Of course, this is my opinion and not something that may bother others. In all aspects, this film takes itself more seriously than the previous entries but lacks the entertainment value that at least made them fun.


    This is a retelling of the story from Resident Evil one and two, with the main protagonists from both games here. There are set pieces used directly from the games along with characters. Now some people had issues with the castings for some of the characters, most noticeable Leon, as he now looks nothing like the character, but I had no issue with that. My issue is more about the change in his character, how he interacts with the world, and the person he is. And Leon is just one of the several that has been changed into a poor copy of the game character. Leon is a bumbling, heavy-drinking idiot, Wesker is a dumb arse, and even Jill is changed to more of a cocky, arrogant individual. Not film ruining, but it takes something away from what I enjoyed about them originally. Wesker was intelligent, manipulative, and in on the whole thing. Here, he is nothing more than a mercenary for hire and something of an idiot. They've thrown in a poor attempt at a love triangle between Wesker, Jill, and Chris, which goes nowhere. I don't mind the changes with Claire, as she is more of a badass here, but the backstory changes for her and Chris seem a bit forced and contrived. Chris and Claire were raised in the orphanage in Raccoon City, where Dr William Birkin worked. This orphanage was sponsored by Umbrella, and we can assume that some bad things were done here. It turns out that Claire ran away whilst Chris stayed, with Dr Birkin becoming something akin to a father figure. There is tension between the siblings, with Claire not speaking to Chris in five years. And Raccoon city is no longer a city. At least that's how it looks when panned out, looking more like a desolate town than a city.

    So we get to Racoon city and see that people are showing signs of illness, often blood running from their eyes. Claire is back because of what she believes Umbrella has done to their home, and Chris is a member of Stars, a separate branch of the police force. We get the ream going to Spencer manor whilst the events at the police station unfold. If you have played the games, then you know how things will play out. There are a few minor tweaks, but it follows how the games played out, though Leon is just about useless and would die without Claire. The other team splits up in the mansion, and things quickly devolve into a fight for their lives, with several of them dying. There are some decent action sequences here, but they are all too brief. Things quickly spiral, with hordes of the infected after the Stars members and Leon and Claire. It becomes a desperate struggle to find a way free of it, and we get the Birkin family attempting to flee with a quick detour to retrieve some of the doctor's work. It turns out that Wesker is after the same thing, phials of the G-virus. This confrontation doesn't go well, leading to the deaths of the adult Birkins and Wesker. Unfortunately, William managed to inject himself with the G-virus before being shot. And he begins to mutate as the others flee. We inevitably race towards the ending, with Birkin continuing to mutate and Claire reuniting with her brother. All of this before the end boss battle. It is like the game in many ways, with Leon finally being useful and putting down the devolved Birkin.

    This film could have been so much better. If you're going to stick to the original story and characters, then stick to them. The changes to the characters were cringe-worthy, turning Leon into a complete idiot and the others nothing more than caricatures. The action was okay, but there wasn't a lot of it. It's an okay watch if you've got nothing else to do on a rainy day and want to turn your brain off. I'd give this a 4 out of 10, a below-average film that had the potential to be much better.

Arcane, a Netflix series review. Based on the league of legends world and characters, this proved to be the unexpected hit of the year. A little late but finally done.


Arcane, a series review.

    I have never played League of Legends, and I never will, but that didn't stop me from being curious when the first trailer for Arcane dropped. The animation style is similar to that in the Dishonored games, and enough action was on display to pique my interest. I am glad I gave the show a chance, as Arcane has proven to be one of the best things Netflix has ever put out. The animation is beautiful and is used wonderfully to show the disparity between the two cities that dominate the world we dive into. The characters and how they are written make this show enjoyable to watch. On display are several themes, and though they might be predictable, they are also done incredibly well. After all that has been done in this first season, I look forward to what will come next.

    The heart of this story is one of disparity of wealth, of the power some hold while others are left to wallow in the dirt. This story is more complex than that, but that is the general gist of the overarching story. The story of Vi and her sister Jinx is one of the central points of this series. Born in the lower city of Zaun, where wealth is sparse and life hard, they are orphaned in the first minutes of the first episode. A heartbreaking opening that impacts them both going forward. Vi and Powder are taken and raised by Vander, who is responsible for the rebellion that caused the death of their parents. As the story begins, we see them a few years older and now joined by two young boys as they race across the rooftops of Upper Piltover. Vi has them on a job, eager to prove that they can pull jobs like the adults they've grown up around. A premise that will lead to where the entire story begins. Breaking into an apartment in the upper city, the gang loots much from it, but Powder accidentally shatters a magical gem causing a massive explosion. The children flee the crime scene, stumbling into a group of thugs waiting for them as they return to Zaun. Threatened with violence, a scuffle breaks out, and Powder flees with the bounty. After being chased down and cornered, Powder tosses the bag into the water, leaving them empty-handed for all their effort. Vi and the others beat the thugs, taking them out in the first action scene of the series. And what a scene it is. This fight is short and brutal but exceedingly well put together. The attention to detail and the level of storytelling in the fight scenes are a highlight of this series.

    I thought about doing a complete breakdown of each episode. You can see above I even started that way, but there is too much to cover, and I could be writing this out for days on end in an attempt to highlight the best parts of each episode. I hoped it would be easier to overview the series as a whole. It would be easier than to point out which had worked best for me. The character work here is some of the best I've seen in an animated series. The attention to each of their stories gives the overall arc a deep meaning and impact on points in the series. The story primarily follows Vi and her sister Jinx, both of whom are damaged in many ways, but other key players come to light as the story unfolds. Jinx is easily one of the best portrayed here, shaped by the pain inflicted upon her and the pain she has inflicted on others. She had never been the most emotionally sound individual, and following certain events, she became far more unstable. Being raised by Silco, the man behind the death of her adopted father, she is dangerous and yet strangely lost and vulnerable at times. Powder's sister Vi is just as lost, but angry too. Vi is determined to find her sister and make those who locked her away pay for their actions.

    Through the actions of Jayce and Victor, we are also introduced to magic. A power that changes much within the city. The Undercity is rising as the nation of Zaun under Silco's direction and political ambition. There is a lot here that leads to conflict, from the wealth provided to Piltover through new technology and its disparity with those who do not dwell in the upper city. A changing political landscape, and its influence, also play a role in Jayce's storyline. This forces him to make choices that directly impact other aspects of the narrative. Bit players in the story, such as Vander and Echo, have an impact with their contributions to unfolding events. These characters drive the story forward and help to give other insights into the events that dominate this story.  This is a big world with many things unfolding, each player's story interweaving with one another as events play out. Many things are going on, and it could confuse the viewer, but events are tied closely together and made easy to follow. Vi and Caitlyn's relationship and how it develops plays a key role in this drama. It is a relationship that feels genuine and not forced into the narrative. Jinx's growing insanity and her relationship with Silco shape how everything plays out. 

    All in all, this is a great watch, with brilliant writing enhanced by great visuals and a score that is effective and appropriate at all times. I look forward to giving this another viewing in the future once I have time, and I eagerly await the next series.

     Arcane is an easy 10 out of 10 for me. I recommend Arcane to any fan of TV in general, but especially to fans of anime and League of Legends. Arcane has interesting characters and a world that feels bigger with every episode. The ending is a cliffhanger, and it frustrates me a little that I have to wait and see what is in store next. Here's hoping that Netflix can pull off another great season.

Legion of the Damned by Rob Sanders. A re-read of a book I enjoyed years ago, looking at the Excoriators chapter and the strange Legion that serves the Emperor beyond death.


Legion of the Damned, by Rob Sanders. A review.

    I hadn't heard of the Excoriator's chapter before reading this book. And upon learning they were one of Dorn's chapters, I was somewhat nervous about whether I would enjoy reading about them. Like with the Ultramarines, I have found the Imperial Fists and their successor chapters boring. Thankfully, that did not prove to be the case here. This chapter carries the weight of Dorn's wrath and loss, his moment of despair after the events of the Horus Heresy, and they strive through adversity by enduring all that is thrown at them. They practice ritualistic self-flagellation, punishing themselves for their misdeeds and the failures they see in themselves. This is a Space Marine chapter that wins through attrition. They take the punishment and win by weathering the storm. More than that, they carry a curse in their genetics, a darkness that can come upon a brother and wash them away into the moment of Dorn's darkest hour. This curse plays heavily into how the events of this book play out.

    The Excoriator's chapter has suffered under recent attacks by the Alpha Legion, their Chapter Master injured and poisoned in the attack, and many of their first company slain. They have to come to fight in a meet called the Feast of Blades to pit their champions against the champions of fellow sons of Dorn. They intend to regain some of their lost honor, but the Feast does not go well for them. Every one of their champions has fallen, and the captain is left with only one possible fighter left to take the field. A warrior he is loathed to use, one who has been lost to the Darkness. A warrior that had been given the title of the Scourge. Zakariah Kersh is lost to the Darkness, but they believe there is a way to shock him out of it, to bring this warrior out of this trance-like state. And that is what they do, rousing the former champion out of the Darkness to face the rivals amid the Feast of Blades. Kersh is a beast, highly destructive with a lack of grace but great killing prowess. He lacks the artistry of his opponents, but he seeks only to take his foes down as swiftly and brutally as possible. He cuts through his opponents so fiercely that the final bout is a three-way clash. Kersh is placed against the champion of the Black Templars chapter and the Imperial Fists chapter. What follows is not a pretty fight, all three are unwilling to lose readily, and Kersh finds himself struggling to beat the two skilled warriors. He takes the win, though barely, and falls unconscious before being declared the winner. Bringing honor to his chapter, he is rewarded with the captaincy of the 5th company. This does not please him. Kersh believes that he is being punished and that their chapter master does not want him back with the 1st due to his failure to protect their Chapter master against the Alpha Legion attack. Now, he has to lead warriors that do not want him and has to learn to be a leader after a lifetime of being a weapon. After looking upon the Dornsblade, a sacred relic, Kersh is sent on his mission.

    Sent to Cerus-Minor, Kersh is aware of a potential threat, but he is honor bound to attend to this duty. His brothers are not in agreement but are held to their oaths. Landing on the planet of St Ethalberg, they head to see those that have summoned them to uphold their sworn oath. Things proceeded with a great deal of violence at the initial meeting, at least for those that had called the Space Marines with the expectation of control over them. Kersh is not one for democracy, he is not built for it, but he knows how to turn things to his advantage. And he uses knowledge and violence to make his point. After he makes his point and strengthens his position, Kersh agrees to continue securing Cerus-Minor against the potential threat of the Keeler comet and the death that follows in its wake. Kersh believes he is still suffering the effects of the Darkness, visited by an Astartes clad in black armor and bone. This specter haunts the captain as if judging the Excoriator, often lingering in the shadows as he does his duties. Sent to Cerus-minor to deal with a  potential threat, the 5th company finds itself in a far more dire situation than anticipated. With the Cholercaust on its way, no chance of reinforcements, and a strange bloodlust affecting the world, the Excoriators are left in a dire situation. One that spirals rapidly.

    The world of Cerus-minor is assaulted by demons and cultists alike. The world besieged, the defenders fighting for their lives and the lives of their families, Kersh bearing the weight of holding this world against utter destruction. The Scourge is determined to save some of the people of this world, something that has not happened in any other world assaulted, and is willing to sell his life to achieve it. The defence inevitably is forced closer to the city centre, pushed inwards as the very populace becomes a threat, taken over by a crazed rage. The Excoriators are skilled warriors with powerful weapons, but there are only so many of them, and even they are not immune to the fell influence of the comet.Throughout it all the spectre remains close to Kersh, watching in silence. And with a desperate plan in motion the Excoriators wait for the Cholercaust to make planetfall.

This book is a great read. It is a great example of the violence of this universe and the lore that is threaded throughout it. A great deal more occurs than I have outlined here, enough that I would not want to spoil it for any potential future reader. I do hope that there are more stories told about Zakariah Kersh but I haven't seen any yet. I have always enjoyed when 40k lore is expanded, and when we are introduced one of the many chapters that exist in this war torn galaxy. I would recommend this book to any fan of Warhammer 40k and military sci-fi. It is an easy 8 out of 10 and a great read.

Day of Ascension by Adrian Tchaikovsky, a review. A Genestealer cult infiltrates a world of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and we see how both cults have their hooks in the populace.


Day of Ascension by Adrian Tchaikovsky, a review.


    This was my first time reading anything by Tchaikovsky. Well, Adrian Tchaikovsky. Thankfully, it proved to be a positive experience. This book is written differently than other 40k books I have read recently.  Tchaikovsky's style is entirely his own. It took a little getting used to, but shortly the story got its hooks into me, and I couldn't put it down. The story revolves around the attempted coup by a genestealer cult on the forge world of Morod. It is a failed coup that sets off an exciting series of events that takes the reader deeper into the workings of the Mechanicus and the cult that has lived in this world for generations. The story centers around Genetor Gammat Triskellian but other characters play into the overall narrative. 

    The story opens up with Triskellian awaiting the attention of Fabricator General Burzulem, the lord of Morod. As the day of Ascension is approaching, Triskellian has come to court to make a request from his overseer. A task he finds odorous, made worse by Burzulem's demeaning manner. There is an intense dislike of the other between these two characters. Burzulum views Triskellian's research as pointless, and the other thinks little of his one-time rival's abilities. Unfortunately, these events are immediately overshadowed as an assassination attempt is made against the Fabricator general. It is only foiled by Triskillian's poor placement and subsequent loss of his arm, as the initial round misses its intended target. The attempt is foiled swiftly, though there are some casualties, and we see that the attacker possesses a form twisted beyond the human norm. There are signs that this person is no longer entirely human. They are taken away to be used as entertainment amid the festivities on the incoming Ascension day. The Festivities that Triskellian is now responsible for. 

    We switch then to those that live among the workers of Morod, to the people that work short, brutal lives to provide the resources necessary for this planet to prosper. We are introduced to Davien, a runner that works to relay messages. A position that gives her access to restricted sites, something that her people use to their advantage. Davien is part of the sub-culture that has remained hidden from their overseers for many generations. She has heard the news that their allotted hero had failed, that their prophesied uprising had stumbled at the first step. Sakiri had been unable to kill Burzulem, leaving their plans in tatters. Davien's only remaining thought is to rush back to her brother, afraid Niem might be caught up in the coming conscription pool. Barely avoiding the Skitarii, we discover that Niem is mutating and that he is being helped along with a doctor that works for this cult. A cult that we learn has been here for more generations than most, a cult that believes that they are worshipping the true Emperor. Their belief is that angels will come and raise them up, remake them into something divine if they can throw off the shackles of their Mechanicus oppressors. As someone familiar with genestealer cults, this indoctrination hides the horror of what they are from those within the cult. It is one of the many tools the cults utilize to realize their objective. And that objective is to signal to the Tyranid Hive mind to summon one of their fleets that drift through the vastness of space looking for more bio-mass to consume. The story follows Davien as she attempts to get their initial plan of track, even as Triskellian seeks to utilize their unique physiology to his own ends. This plan forces them to work together but dooms both in the long run.

    What appealed to me about this book is that it looked at the inner workings of the Mechanicus as much as it did the cult. The politicking, and maneuvering, the magos' used to further their own ends highlighted that they were just as corrupted in their own fashion. This is not a story about heroes and villains, though there is some subjectivity to that view. What it does well is showing how corruption can go unnoticed, and threats can be dismissed by those that have become lazy and apathetic. What is worse is that some will risk the safety and security of others to see themselves reach their goals. This story centers on the inner workings of civilization, though it does have some action.  It has a great insight into the minds of the Magos' of this planet and how things work far from the warzones of the greater 40k universe.

    It took me longer than I wanted to get this review done. Mostly I found myself distracted by many things I have been trying to get off the ground. Thankfully, the story stayed fresh in my mind. Though I did not want to go into too much detail, it could ruin much of the unexpected ending. This book is a solid 7 out of 10. I would have given it more, but I struggled to get into it. It might have been the type of story that was not what I had expected or the writing style. However, I did get into it and found myself enjoying it. It is more for the reader looking to discover more about the Mechanicus or Genestealer cults.  Any fan of Warhammer 40k will enjoy it, alongside those of grimdark science fiction.

Darkness in the Blood, by Guy Haley. Dante and Mephiston address the threat of the Rage and the Thirst, as Dante deals with ruling far from the safety of Terra. The Blood Angels legacy lies in the hands of their chief Librarian, if he's strong enough to weather it.


Darkness in the Blood, by Guy Haley. A review.

    I have always been a fan of Space Marines and the characters that make up their ranks. While the Ultramarines are the current favorites in the lore, the return of Guilliman putting them front and center, there are other Chapters that I have enjoyed more. My favorites are the Space Wolves, the Salamanders, the Raven Guard, and the Blood Angels. Compared to the Ultramarines, they all seem to have more personality to their Chapters. That is not to say that the stories around the Ultramarines have been poor in any way, just that they seem a little boring in direct comparison to the others. As a youth, I collected armies of space marines, and my first models were of the Blood Angels Chapter. They were an impressive force even then. Even back then, Mephiston was a figure of awe, of terrible power. The Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels, the one who died and was resurrected with control over the Rage. Dante has been their commander from the Blood Angels' beginnings, a figure of authority that has led the Blood Angels for close to a thousand years. Having read books surrounding Mephiston before, I was eager to see where Guy Haley would take the expanding lore around this central character. This book does a great job of highlighting that lore.

    Commander Dante has been appointed as Regent and Warden of Imperium Nihilus, parted from the rest of the Imperium by the Great Rift. After surviving the attack on Baal, the remaining Blood Angel chapter and their Successor Chapters have been reinforced with the Primaris Marines gifted to them by the Primarch Roboute Guilliman. Guilliman wants him to take back this region of space, push back their enemies, and rise again as the dominant force in the galaxy. The only problem is that the Blood Angels' flaw is growing. We open on Dante's ship traveling through the Warp, the Commander in his sarcophagus, as it attempts to help his wounds heal. It appears that his body is failing with age. This matter is something that is not spoken of in the lore. When do the added organs and enhancements begin to fail? And does age affect a space marine?  It is made clear that Dante is over a thousand years old, which is ancient compared to many other space marines. Space Marine commanders exist that are closer to his age, and they display none of the detriments that affect Dante. Sleeping in his sarcophagus, Dante dreams of the events that led to him becoming the Blood Angels' commander. During Dante's slumber, the ships are directed through the warp by the efforts of the Chief Librarian. It used to be that the Navigators would travel through the warp with the light of the Astronomican to guide them, but that is no longer true. Mephiston leads them through a ritual performed by himself and his acolytes, his consciousness in the warp itself. As they conduct this ritual, Rhacelus is watching over them and guarding them against being lost to the hungry things that call the Warp home. What Mephiston is attempting requires an ability and a will beyond that of most of his fellow Librarians, any exposing their souls to the Warp should bring them instant death. This display is another example of the power that he possesses. 

    As they travel through the Warp, the ships are under constant strain, buffeted by the tides of the Warp. Their crew struggles under a similar strain. The pressure of traveling the Warp pushes some to breaking point. A rebellion breaks out on one ship, the captain of another battleship deals with the weight of failure, and Dante continues to sleep fitfully. Things go from bad to worse, enough that Dante is forced from his coma to deal with a demonic incursion. After being pushed back into realspace, Dante and Mephiston work to battle this incursion so that they may take back their ships and return to Baal. The Blood Angels return to Baal after clearing the battleships of the demonic threat and head for the space station, Skyfall.

    This story revolves around Mephiston's powers growing out of control, the effect he has on his fellow Blood Angels, and the idea of his death again to be reborn as a Primaris marine. He is one of the few firstborns to cross the Rubicon, taking the same risks that Marneus Calgar did. Throughout this book, we see how Dante is dealing with this leadership that has been thrust upon him and how the Primaris marines view this ancient warrior. It is interesting to see these untested warriors pass judgment on one of the greatest warriors of the Imperium. It would be amusing if they didn't make up such a large number of Dante's warriors. Making things worse for all of them is the impact Mephiston is having on the Blood Angels around him. 

    Several sub-plots run through the book that helps to flesh out the main characters. Dante's attempts to save Admiral Danakan, retelling how he became the leader of the Blood Angels to show the man that fear can be worked through. It may be a failed effort, but Dante tries nonetheless. Mephiston's rebirth is a unique event, lost beneath the blades of his surgeons as his mind and spirit are elsewhere. To say too much would spoil it for any would-be reader, so I'll not say any more. It is worth picking up the book just for what Mephiston experiences as he passes through the Rubicon. 

    I'd give this book an easy 8 out of 10 stars. It is a great read that expands on the lore surrounding the Blood Angels and gives definite clues as to where they are headed. It provides greater insight into Dante, though it focuses as much on the Chief Librarian. Seeing into the mind of such a veteran warrior struggling amid this time of change gives a unique outlook on the return of the Primarch and the Great Rift. This is one for the fans of the Blood Angels and any fan of sci-fi in general. I'd recommend it to any fan of Warhammer 40k and readers in general. 

Indomitus by Gav Thorpe. A look at the Indomitus Crusade, the Primaris marines, and the machinations of the Necron Empire as they seek to calm the warp and spread their empire back among the stars.


Indomitus, by Gav Thorpe, a review.

    The Indomtius crusade had been launched by Roboute Guilliman, the returned Primarch, and Emperor's regent. This book follows the Ultramarines of the Ithraca's Vengeance, a ship attached to the Crusade Fleet Quintus. The Ithraca's Vengeance is helmed by Primaris marines, some have fought during the initial stages of the crusade, but others have come directly from command training. This has caused a disparity between the two groups as some have field experience that others lack. This is most evident in the two lieutenants on board the Vengeance. Praxamedes and Nemetus serve under Captain Aeschelus, Praxamedes having served on the battlefield longer than either. There is tension between the two lieutenants from the outset. Their different approach to leadership and battle often sees them clash. The story begins with the ship in pursuit of an enemy vessel. Nemetus is eager to lead a boarding team onto the damaged ship, but Praxamedes is unsure if that is the wisest course of action. I liked how Thorpe showed the difference in how Praxamedes views those he served with. He has a better relationship and view of the humans than his commanding officer and opposite. When they close in on the enemy vessel, one of the bridge crew mentions rumours of an enemy vessel, a vessel that stalks ships and takes them out. This idea is immediately dismissed by Aeschelus, stating that the human crew is superstitious. Praxamedes is not so sure. Unfortunately, the attack goes ahead without his warnings heeded, an attack that walks the boarding party right into a trap. Through skill and tactics, they manage to salvage the situation enough that they get their people off the enemy ship but are forced to flee from the incoming ships, something that leaves a sour taste in Aeschelus' mouth.

    The story then jumps to the Necrons. Overlord Simut has been sent on a mission by the Silent King. This task is not proceeding at the speed that the Silent King had expected. This detail is made clear to him as we watch the scene unfold. We are introduced to the Overlord's court and those that serve within. A court that is filled with more intrigue than appears on the surface. Thorpe did a great job of showing a side to the Necrons that I had not experienced before. It humanized them in a fashion that worked on some levels but lessened the intrinsic threat that the Necrons had once possessed. I know that this choice lies with Games Workshop. The lore has portrayed them as possessing more personalities than they did in earlier works. The change in the lore does work on some levels, and I can see why this had been done. It allows for a better look at the inner workings of the Necron Empire and the central characters that are being brought to the fore. It is always interesting to learn more about any Xenos race in the Warhammer 40k universe and to see something beyond the spectrum of the Imperium. From the outset, one underlying is working directly to undermine the Overlord. Unfortunately, he makes their work easy for them. That is not to say that things always go their way. Simut often pulls them from their plans at the most inopportune time. The Necrons are working on a method to alter the Warp, calming it so that the Imperium cannot use it to travel across the galaxy. The calming also affects the humans in the region, draining the will from them and leaving them unable to fight back or do much else. Such a new development could change how the Indomitus Crusade would proceed.

    After receiving an emergency broadcast sent out by the beleaguered planet, the Ithraca's Vengeance moves to investigate. This is not as simple as it sounds, as travelling the Warp is dangerous due to the storms that still ravage it. They are forced to make small jumps through the Warp, which carries significant risk to all aboard. Things become progressively worse for the Vengeance when they become caught in the Warp, unable to leave. This is a phenomenon that none have experienced before, the Warp acts akin to an ocean with eddies and tides, and they are now gone. Through some clever use of the Geller field and the skills of the Navigators, they break through into real space, close to their destination and the awaiting Necron force. 

    This book does a great job of looking at the inner workings of the Necrons and the Ultramarines. It gives greater insight into the Primaris Marines and the history of the race that became the Necrons. Apart from a few exceptions, I have always found the Ultramarines a touch dry to read, they're not bad, but sometimes they lack personality. I had worries that the Primaris would be more of the same. Here there are differences in approach and outlook to the firstborn, which makes them almost naive in some ways. The Necrons display many of the flaws that they had in life. Vanity, lack of insight, and a caste system that relies on position rather than ability are three examples of these flaws. They are strange and broken creations. The ensuing conflict between these two forces shows that the Primaris marines still have much to learn about fighting for this Crusade and what constitutes a victory. 

    This is a solid entry. I give this book a 7 out of 10. It provides a look at a new danger to the Imperium and a glimpse into what else is occurring in the galaxy. The characters all work well here. There is a good interplay and a level of machination that I did not expect. I am excited for more from Gav Thorpe in the future. I recommend this to any Warhammer 40k fan and anyone looking for a starting point in the new storyline.

The Hunger of The Gods by John Gwynne, a review. The amazing sequel to The Shadow of The Gods, a continuation of the Nordic inspired mythos that grips hold of the reader and never lets go. Welcome to a world of Gods, monsters, and the bonds of warrior kin.


The Hunger of The Gods, a review.

    This book follows directly from the previous entry, and it keeps the pace that that book maintained. Gwynne keeps the narrative flowing throughout and immediately gets his hooks into the reader, pulling them into his world.  And what a world this is. Gwynne has done a great job of fleshing out the world through the interactions of his characters and the events that swirl around them. Following multiple points of view and seeing how they intertwine allows a better overall look at the world. The stakes are raised considerably, as the previous book's events took them to a deadly level. It is not a spoiler to say that the return of the God Lik-Rifa has thrown all into chaos. The return of the Dragon God will have consequences for all as she has her own plans to enact. Orka's hunt for her son continues, but now she faces a foe that cannot be overcome by an ax alone. Varg continues to learn all he can at the hands of the Bloodsworn, and Elvar faces the aftermath of their betrayal and the return of Lik-Rifa.

    I was unsure where this story would go after the climax of the previous book. I pondered several possibilities, but none of them went in the direction Gwynne took. Right after Lik-Rifa escapes from her prison, the story picks up with a God returned to the world. Elvar and the Battle-grim are collecting themselves and mourning the loss of their chief, licking their wounds after the battle with the dragon-born. Orka reels from the realization that she has missed rescuing her son, reunited with members of the Bloodsworn, and is surrounded by the devastation she has wrought upon Grimholt's Hall. Varg remains with the Bloodsworn, aiding in their hunt for Vol, wife of their chief, Glornir. Going into this book, I expected the story to continue at a decent pace, and it did not disappoint. Orka learns of Vol's abduction, knowing now who Skalk had bundled onto his horse, and relays to Glornir what has happened to his brother and her son. In turn, Elvar and company learn the price of a blood-oath, forcing her to move forward with her pursuit of Lik-Rifa and Uspa's son. Each of the protagonists in this story has very personal reasons to clash with the dragon-born and their risen god, but no way to rival her power. And this is where the story takes an unexpected turn. 

    Elvar and the battle-grim delve into Lik-Rifa's prison, led there by the bound and collared god, Skuld, daughter of Ulfrir and Orna. Elvar knows there is treasure there for the Battle-grim, but she has her own reasons for taking the plunge into the place below. Elvar is a smart woman, and she knows that any pursuit of her quarry would bring her into conflict with the god. She needs an edge, and her hope is that something below will give her what she needs. Skuld leads them, reluctantly, angered at being thralled to Elvar through the magical collar. Skulk has watched over Lik-Rifa with her sisters for centuries, but the world she knew is gone, and she is struggling to adjust to mortals being in power. Attacked by the twisted children of Lif-Rika, they discover something left behind by the goddess, something that they can use in their favor. A huge spoiler for the book lies ahead, so you have been warned. Using the great tome left by Lik-Rifa, Uspa resurrects the god Ulfrir. The battle-grim then uses the chains that bound Lik-Rifa to fashion a collar for the wolf god. This all happened far quicker than I expected it to. I had gone it with the idea of Ulfrir being resurrected, the image on the book cover gave that away, but I thought it would take far more for the task to be completed. It works, as the returned god is far from his full power, but it might be a touch jarring for some readers. With the gods in tow Elvar and the battle-grim head after the dragon-born, hoping to catch them. 

    Orka leaves the Bloodsworn with Lif and some of the Bloodswordn in tow. Glornir has them lead her to the chambers of the rat god, Rotta. Glornir and the rest of the Bloodsworn continue their pursuit of Vol, heading after Skalk, back to Darl. Orka continues to train Lif, with some help from the Bloodsworn, the young man determined to be ready to face his brother's killer. Upon arriving at Rotta's chamber, they are attacked by a group of dragon-born led by Myrk, the sister of Ilska the cruel. After a brief battle Myrk is taken prisoner by Orka, who is determined to find out what the woman knows. After discovering Myrk is one of Ilska's people, Orka has her lead them to where the Raven-Feeders are headed. The journey takes them westwards to the town of Starl, where they meet up with Elvar and the returned Ulfrir. They split up after the encounter, and Orka tricks Myrk into leading them to where the Raven-Feeders are.

    Varg and the Bloodsworn head to Darl, intent on freeing Vol from Skalk. Things turn out to be far more complicated than they expect. Their assault to free Vol from Skalk comes too late as she has been taken from the Galdurman by Prince Jaromir.  The prince of Iskidan has fled southwards, as the Bloodsworn is left to deal with the aftermath, having to negotiate their way out of a clash with Helka and her people. The Bloodsworn give pursuit. hoping to catch the Prince, and his people, before they reach the port town of Liga. Unfortunately, they flee across the sea, heading for safety in Iskidan, but Glornir will not be swayed from his hunt.

    The story is weaved together brilliantly, each of the main characters brought together by events that affect the others. The action remains visceral and well enacted. The fights are brutal and vivid, well thought out from a narrative standpoint. Orka is easily my favorite of the main characters, but every character here is well fleshed out with their own agency. The stakes are raised enough that the reader is aware of the true dangers that are arrayed against our heroes. 

    This book is an easy nine out of ten stars. It is a great read, with well-rounded characters, great action, and a world that feels real and epic in equal measure. John Gwynne is one of my favorite new authors, and I am eager to see where this series will go. I would recommend this to any fan of fantasy, and any reader in general. Let me know what you think of this book if you have read it, and feel free to recommend any books you think I should review.

The Book of Martyrs, a Sisters of Battle trilogy of short stories. A look at the religious warriors of the Imperium, and the making of a Martyr in this grim universe.


The Book of Martyrs, a review.

    This book is a trio of stories by three authors of the Black library. Each one looks at the events surrounding the martyrdom of the respective Sisters of Battle. The Sisters of Battle are interesting figures in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are fierce warriors, utterly devoted to the divine figure of the God-Emperor. This is always ironic considering what the Emperor had strode towards in the years before Horus' betrayal. These stories look at the martyrdom of Sister Ishani, Sister Anarchia, and Sister Laurelyn. Each story is well told, and they show different examples of how a Sister can reach such martyrdom in the 40k universe. These stories are varied stylistically and in their messages of faith. Especially in regards to their particular belief in the Emperor. Of the three, The Martyrdom of Laurelyn is my personal favorite, though I enjoyed all of them.

    The Martyrdom of Sister Ishane is the first of the three. Sister Ishane is a Hospitaller, a healer as much as she is a warrior. She has taken on the responsibilities of the previous Hospitaller, on a moon amid a meteor field in a region of space known as Segmentum Obscurus. She has joined her Sisters of the Valorous Heart in the agri-bunker, Persepia Solitaris. Whilst there, not able to contact anyone amid the debris field, they discover that something has come to the moon, something foul and alien. It is a desperate fight to keep the creatures from attaining their goal. It is a fight that rapidly turns against them. Sister Ishane sets on a desperate course of action, a course of action that is destined to bring about her ending regardless of the outcome. The fighting is well written and the story reveals a unique look at a familiar enemy. The Tyranids are impeccable foes, relentless and unknowable. Sister Ishane is a torn figure, holding onto her belief in the Emperor but angry at the sudden turn of events. Sister Ishane finds herself at odds with how different things are from how she had come to believe her life would play out. That conflict does not shake her from what she knows must be done in the face of this attack.

    The Martyrdom of Sister Anarchia is a simpler tale. Captured by the Tau, the story unfolds with the sister held by the Xenos. Her captors seek to turn one of the famed Sisters of Battle to their side. No Sister of Battle has been turned before and they plan for her to be the first. Through the use of familiar tactics, they are seeking to discover the source of her faith. The Tau believe that they can discover how her faith works and discover at what point her faith can be turned against her. The Tau are hoping to turn that knowledge to their advantage in the conflict with the Imperium moving forward. As a people they have little use for religion, they find the idea strange but are willing to use it to further their message of the Greater Good. Sister Anarchia endures weeks of torture, unable to ever get a moment of sleep as they seek to keep her awake until exhaustion overwhelms her. It is a useful technique and one that gives the impression that they are treating her well by most standards. They even let her keep her power armour. That choice is predicated on the belief that the armour is not a weapon, and may provide her some comfort. As she endures her capture, the reader is shown moments of her time on the planet with her squad. The events that led to her capture by the Tau are shown in flashbacks. I enjoyed how the story showed her enduring such treatment yet remaining vigilant for the moment to seek a way to hurt her captors, to turn a momentary lax to her advantage.

    The Martyrdom of Sister Laurelyn is a siege tale. A single squad from the Order of the Bloody Rose stands on a world besieged by Chaos, led by the newly appointed Sister Superior. Of them all, this felt like the most familiar of the trio. A single squad of warriors is set against innumerable foes with a mission to complete. Her squad has come to a world that has worshipped the Emperor as the God-in-the mountain returning to guide them back to the religion of the greater Imperium. These faithful face an army of Chaos, people, and things that worship Grandfather Nurgle. The people of Bellepheron face the army of the Vanaar and find themselves pushed back. Pushed back to a bastion that has weathered such storms before. The Sister Superior has her squad in place, attempting to advise the leaders of the Keep as the siege approaches but finding her warnings shot down by their long-serving general. As a new arrival to the planet, an obvious outsider, they are reluctant to heed her advice, but she remains determined to carry out her duties. It is obvious from the beginning of the siege that no allies are coming, no sanctuary to retreat to, and all they have are those within the city walls. Against the legions of the Chaos forces, there is little chance of survival here.  That does not daunt Laurelyn or her Sisters. 

    Each story is set against the backdrop of the Indomitus Crusade, and the changes wrought to the galaxy by the fell ambitions of Chaos. It is interesting to see how the timeline influences these stories and how this new 'normal' has impacted those throughout the galaxy. The book does a good job of expanding the lore surrounding the Sisters of Battle, and those that they fight. 

    I would recommend this book to any fan of the Warhammer 40k universe. It is an easy read, with each story novella sized. They are easy to digest quickly in this format. The action is well written, but each one works best when focusing on the characters. The struggles of the Sisters are what really drive each story. Thankfully, each author has a distinctive authorial voice and utilizes that to give each story its own feel.

    I'd give this book a seven out of ten stars. It is a solid read that I enjoyed. It might not be for everyone, it depends on your view on the Sisters of Battle. It does a great job of expanding the lore on the Sisters of Battle. I would recommend it to fans of sci-fi and grim-dark. 

Fist of the Imperium by Andy Clark, a review. A look at the Imperial Fists as they seek out a cult, a new Primaris Librarian, and the impact of experience over natural ability.


Fist of The Imperium, by Andy Clark. A Review

    I have to admit, I have never been a big fan of the Imperial Fists. They have always struck me as a little boring, or maybe the novels I have read just haven't landed for me in the past. Thankfully, this novel has gone some way to turn me around on the matter. It hasn't changed my mind completely, but it has made them more interesting. The use of genestealer cults, and the insidious nature of their conversion, is a fresh insight and made them somewhat tragic. The story brings, yet another, Primaris marine to the fore, highlighting how new he is to his position and the brotherhood that his peers have enjoyed for decades or more. As a Primaris psyker, I was interested to see how his enhanced nature would impact his powers and how he would utilize them on the battlefield. I had wondered if the story would consist of the usual head-first approach of the more orthodox member of the Astartes. The acts first, think later, mentality, but the Fists are shown to have a greater range than I had feared. Going in I had not expected the initial casualty. Taking out the veteran commander proved to be something of a surprise, but it did have the immediate effect of putting Aster Lydorran center stage. It works well from a narrative standpoint, ensuring that the cultists are seen as a serious threat and not to be underestimated. 

    We, as the reader, know that this cult is brought about by the Tyranids through the use of Genstealers. The Imperial Fists, and their allies, believe that this may be the result of Chaos' influence. This is due, largely in part, to the recent events in the galaxy. With the death of Captain Tor, we see Lydorran leading the Astartes forces as they seek to root out this cult from the world of Ghyre. This is unusual as others should be taking charge, foremost amongst them Chaplain Storn or Chapter Champion Hastur. This turn of events does lead to some inner conflict, as Lydorran's inexperience makes him unsure of his path and how to lead his brothers in battle. What makes it more difficult for the Sons of Dorn is that the insurrectionists are using tactics they are unused to dealing with, and they believe that there are spies amongst those that should be their allies. Things do not go well for them, they take many losses and casualties as they fail to anticipate their enemy's moves, and Lydorran is gifted many harsh lessons about leadership. Like the Ultramarines, the Imperial Fists are conventional fighters, they are fantastic siege warriors, but this story highlights how slow they are to adapt to unconventional tactics.

    Things continue down a dire path until they receive reinforcements in the form of the Deathwatch. Immediately there is a conflict in their approaches, the Xenos hunters specialize in this type of warfare, and they have little time to educate their cousins on the intricacies that will prove vital in their hunt of this cult. We have a great conflict as Lydorran comes into direct opposition with the DeathWatch Captain, Lothar Redfang. Their different views and approaches mean that they don't see eye to eye, the Space Wolf Watch Captain is far more aggressive than his Fist counterpart. There is a great scene between them, where things become violent, and it is great to see Lydorran simply weather Redfang's assault when he possesses the power to stop him at any moment. From that moment, there grows a wealth of respect, something that, in time, develops into a kind of brotherhood between the two leaders.

    It is worth highlighting the pov of view from the cult members. It is well written, showing that they truly believe that their masters, this Father, will bring them to true enlightenment. They will be freed from the Imperium and then reach some kind of Ascension as their Star Children come to liberate them. Through their own brand of indoctrination, these cultists are twisted to the ends of the figure known as 'Father'. We see just how dangerous this kind of belief can be as they throw themselves at the Imperial Fists and commit horrendous acts against their 'oppressors'. They are kind of tragic, as the reader knows just how dangerous this uprising is and what it could ultimately lead to. 

    The final conflict is a great action sequence that leads to their forces combining to take on the heart of the infection. Lydorran and his brothers lead the charge, with Redfang and his brothers at their side. Even the Lord-Governor and the planetary forces play their part in the desperate attempt to bring 'Father' down. The fight between the Genestealer Patriarch, Lydorran, his brothers, and Redfang is brutal and bloody. The Astartes take many injuries and casualties but in the end, the Patriarch is brought low, ending the Tyranid threat to the Segmentum Solar. We see in its demise the mind-control over its followers dissipates, freeing them. It is far too late for many as they have been altered by Genestealers. The Astartes forces are not known for their mercy, and this is on display as they purge the cult utterly from Ghyre. 

    There is a lot I have not mentioned, for fear of it being too much of a spoiler. This is a solid book that gives a great deal of insight into the Imperial Fists, how Genestealer cults work and how the Deathwatch forces operate. This book has some great set pieces, the action is well done, and it gives deeper insight into how the Imperial Fists fight.  

    I give this book 7 out of 10 stars and recommend it for any fan of the Imperial Fists. It is another solid entry into the Warhammer 40k universe and a great read for anyone looking to discover more about how genestealer cults work. 

Mark of Faith by Rachel Harrison. A look at the Adeptus Sororitas as the Great Rift tears across the galaxy. We see the sisters of Battle looking to retrieve the Shield of Saint Katherine and take back some of what has been lost in the wake of Chaos resurgence.


Mark of Faith by Rachel Harrison, a Review.

    I enjoyed Honourbound immensely and looked forward to reading this outing by Harrison. I have read various stories concerning the Sisters of Battle over the years, they are the militant arm of the Ecclesiarchy and a formidable force. I had never really gotten a grip on them beyond their faith in the Emperor and their battle prowess from what I had read. These women are utterly devout, they believe in the Emperor above all else, and they seek death in battle in his name. In most stories, they have featured as secondary characters, but in this book, they are out front and center. The story revolves around Sister Evangeline and her squad, following them after their survival in the world of Ophelia VII as the Great Rift opened and the forces of Chaos surged across the galaxy. In that apocalyptic battle, Evangeline and her sisters fought a greater daemon of Tzeentch, and nearly all of her sisters were slain. Evangeline miraculously survives the encounter, changed and marked by her battle. It is believed, by those around her, that she has been blessed by the Emperor, marked by him for some great deed yet to be done. A deed that will take her to the other side of the Galaxy, through the Great Rift itself.
    This is a story of Faith in the universe of 40k. And that is no simple thing when there are literal Gods that attempt to conquer the material realm, when not trying to kill one another. It has long been held that the Emperor of Mankind is a living god, bound to the Golden Throne where he shapes the destiny of mankind. This is what the Sisters of Battle believe. He is their guiding light, the rock that holds them against all darkness, and they will give all in his name. It was interesting to see just how that faith manifests, how deeply it is ingrained into them, and how far that faith will push them to go. It impressed me how Harrison fleshed out these characters, how she made them more than stereotypes when it came to their faith, and their sisterhood. Harrison has a knack for making them feel real and fully realized in just a matter of pages. Like the Adeptus Astartes, these are characters that seem like they should be one-note, but they are more than just their religion and the militant role that they fulfill. 

    Coming into this story is the Inquisitor Ahri Ravara and her retinue. The Inquisitor is on a mission of her own, one that she believes is tied to Evangeline and the Sisters of Battle. It is a mission that has become all-consuming for the Inquisitor, a mission that is tied closely to a loved one. Ravara is driven, stubborn, and ruthless when she needs to be. She has a goal in mind and she will see it done regardless of the cost, even if it those around her that pay that cost. As an Inquisitor she has access to a great deal of knowledge hidden from the everyday citizens of the Imperium and an immense of amount of authority behind her. Ravara is driven by her most recent failures and it is those failures that haunt her throughout the story. I will say, that as a reader I saw one aspect of her story coming, the supposed twist about her visions seemed expected but it was managed well enough that it never detracted from the book overall. 

    Evangeline is pushed to the fore as the number Mother Superior of her squad, given new squad mates and hailed as blessed by the Emperor. In a vision she has seen the Shield of Saint Katherine, whom her order is named after, and believes that she must seek it out. This belief is shared by many, and so a crusade of sorts is called together in search of the shield. An item that has not been seen in millennia. Throughout this story Evangeline calls into question her own abilities, her worth, and if she has been marked by the Emperor himself. All of these aspects are tested as she leads her sisters into battle, both in the crossing of the great rift and upon the planet the other side of it. Harrison did a great job in describing that reckless journey, of the turbulent and dangerous tides of the warp that have been stirred up by the creation of the rift.  That journey nearly proves the death of them all, the great ship that takes them across it battered by the entities that call that realm home. Harrison does a goob job of dealing with memory and how it impacts future events, how the past shapes people and how it can help guide them at their lowest moments. 
    The story, overall, is interesting enough to keep the attention of the reader, though the twist at the climactic moment was a little predictable. The action is well written, which is common place for the authors for the Warhammer universe, but Harrison's true strength lies in her character work. She gets inside the minds of her creations, brings out their doubts and fears and shows how they find the strength to overcome them. Of all the writers working for Games Workshop, there aren't many that are on par with Harrison when it comes to this aspect of her work. Having read this book, and her previous one, I am looking forward to what she does next for them. 

    This is an easy 8 out of 10. It would be higher if the story had been a little stronger, that twist so obvious that any reader would see it coming. I would recommed this to any Warhammer fan and any sci-fi fan in general. So give it a look and let me know what you think, or if you've read it already, let me know what you thought of it. 

The Reverie, by Peter Fehervari. A review. A Warhammer Horror Novel that centres on the Angels Resplendent Chapter and the rot at the core of their world.


The Reverie, by Peter Fehervari. A review.

    I have read several of the recent Warhammer Horror novels, and I have been mildly impressed so far. It helps that this universe lends itself so well to horror stories, in my opinion. The book features the Angel's Resplendent Chapter, a Space Marines chapter that I had first seen in Requiem Infernal, another novel written by Fehervari. In that novel, something had felt off about this chapter. Their ethos and manners reminded me more of the followers of Slaanesh than loyalist chapters. I have no idea if this was Fehervari's intent, but I read that book waiting for the reveal to come. In this novel, we learn that the chapter is a successor chapter of the Blood Angels, who have found a way to manage the curse in their blood. Nothing comes without a price, though.

    The story begins with a band of survivors hiding from some great horror that has been unleashed upon their town. The story follows the pov of the Ghost boy, an outcast that can feel the presence of the creature in his mind along with the thoughts of those around him. Though he has led them to temporary safety, he is not one of them, and they give him nothing but disdain for his efforts. Events play out and lead them to the temple at the center of the town, where the scene plays out, and we leave just as they push into the interior. This opening plays into the greater overall arc of the story, so it is worth keeping note of the players here. The mystery within the story is one of the highlights of the book, and so I'll do my best not to spoil too much. 

    The next part of the story begins with the Traveller. The man pushes into the wilderness as he attempts to find something, the story flashing back to his past as we learn that he is seeking the Reverie and the Angels Resplendent. This journey has brought him far from his own world, the journey one as much of the spiritual as the physical. Often he flashes back to the events that brought him to this world, striding through a place that presents more danger than he is first aware of. It is in this place that he comes across the massive form of Satori, saved by the Angel Resplendent. Satori has his own reasons for venturing into this dangerous place, but we do not discover that until later in the book. The unusual aspect of this realm is an intriguing device, as we're never entirely sure how much of it is real and how much belongs outside the world of the material. Something of this place follows them both, no matter how far they roam from it.

    We are introduced to more characters as we move from the Reverie, more of the Angels' Resplendent and those that serve with, and under them. I liked the use of the names given to them after they become fully-fledged Astartes, names such as Caravaggio and Borges. It gave them a very distinctive feel, a uniqueness to the chapter, that made them stand out well against the majority of other loyalist chapters. That is not an easy thing to do, given the variety of Space Marine chapters that exist in the 40k universe. The history of this chapter is somewhat murky, and the story alludes to some great change within their hierarchy as they sought to deal with the twin curses of the Red Thirst and the Black Rage. This event left a mark upon the chapter and created the Mirrored Path, but there is more to it than many know. It left a wound that some have sought a way to heal before it can cause damage to the chapter that cannot be undone. With Knight Exemplar Czervantes returning to the world of Malperitus, we get someone that is dealing with his doubts regarding his position of leadership, forced to take that place after the fall of his predecessor. Again there is more here than just the surface level of the story implies, layers that feed into the overall mystery at the heart of this book.

    The story's key elements center around the Reverie, hence the name, and what had been born there. Each of the protagonists plays a role in how the story unfolds and how it will impact the Angel's Resplendent as a whole. I liked the use of corruption, of taking decadence too far and becoming something darker. It all hinted that the very core of the world and those upon it had begun a fall of some kind whilst never being too overt with it. Fehervari kept the pace and tension well throughout the book, never giving too much away. The story's conclusion works well enough that I am hoping to see more by Fehervari in the future, along with the Angel's Resplendent.

    In all, The Reverie is a great book, a solid read that works well right up until the end, and it leaves enough mystery to keep a healthy interest in what may come next. The inclusion of Warhammer Horror means that the Games workshop company continues to branch out in the literary world, and this is a great addition to what has already been released. I am always keeping an eye out for what is to come, and there are several new releases that I am looking forward to reading.

    The Reverie is a great read for fans of horror and Warhammer. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars. I highly recommend it as an introduction to Warhammer Horror and a great representation of Fehervari's work. A great read for Sci-fi and horror fans in general. 

The Fires of Vengeance by Evan Winter. The next book in The Burning series. A review and look at this next entry that continues Tau's adventures, and sees just how far he'll go to protect those he loves and avenge those he's lost.


The Fires of Vengeance, by Evan Winter.

    I picked up the previous book after watching a review by Daniel Greene. It turned out that the disheveled Goblin had it spot on for the brilliant first entry into the series by Evan Winter. To my great relief, this book continues that run brilliantly. The story picks up immediately from where the last one finished. Tau is now the Queen's champion and finds himself in a position no lesser had ever hoped to achieve. Now those loyal to the Queen face the challenge of dealing with a split amongst the Omehi and the potential for civil war, whilst the threat of the Xiddeen looms. This book centers more on the growing relationship between Tau and his Queen whilst keeping the narrative moving towards the inevitable conflict between Tsiora and her sister.

    The story opens up mere hours after the attack. The Xiddeen have retreated in the face of the Guardians' wrath, and Tau is reeling from yet another loss. Jabari is now heavily burned and bedridden, the petty Noble horribly scarred by Dragon's breath. Here we see Tau make a choice that looks like it will come back to bite him, confessing things to Jabari in the belief that the other is unable to hear him. That is not the case, and this will play out further down the road. This story is very much a look at the bigger world of the Omehi and their history, Tau discovering more than he had imagined as he delves fully into his role as the Queen's champion. We continue to look at the disparity between Lessers and the Nobles, how the social standings work, and how Tau's placing challenges those long-standing ideals. I would like to say that our protagonist had a moment to catch his breath, but that is not so, from the outset he is faced with dealing with assassins, injured further, and then forced to give chase after the Xiddeen. Tau pushes himself further than he should be able, driven by that need to be better, to do more, and save those around him regardless of the damage he does to himself. Tau's time in Isihogo has changed him so utterly that he is a creature of pure will, even poisoned by Dragon's blood, he manages to remain one of the deadliest men in the Queen's army. It is Tau's actions that often lead to how the story unfolds, even his decision to save Kana comes back to bite him, and we watch how he continues to view himself as a failure. The strongest part of this book remains the relationship between Tau and his sword brothers, the bonds there are unbreakable, and without them, Tau would truly fall foul of his worst instincts.

    The story largely follows the split in the Omehi people, the capital of their nation taken by general Odili with Queen Tsiora's sister now declared as Queen. The potential civil war sits at the worst time as the threat of the Xiddeen is never far away, though they believe they have bought themselves some time with the War Chief's demise. Determined to take back her capital, Tsiora, is willing to risk much, she demands that the fiefs support her and is willing to force them to comply if they refuse. Evan's political world feels real, with the social standings well defined and the views of the Greater Nobles feeling reminiscent of standings in the real world.  The story moves at quite a fast pace, with Tau lurching from one challenge to the next. Again, Evan continues to create a world and characters that feel so real, fleshing it out so well that you are truly immersed in the story. He focuses on Isihogo more in this book as Tau has to utilize the demon prison far more than in the previous book, its dangers becoming more real in some ways, and yet a piece on the board of play that proves more important. The backstory of the Omehi is fleshed out through the discourse between Tau and his Queen, and we learn of where they came from and the threat that looms ever in the background. 
    What impressed me most was the choice Evan made around Tau's rage and his revenge. I had wondered if Tau would become totally lost to that rage, but throughout the story, he is pulled from it. It is not always easy, but the life he has now pulled him back from fully indulging in it. Events threaten to push him back to that familiar wrath, but he is never completely consumed by it in the way he had been in the first novel. This book looks at the destructive power of anger and the cost of it. Evan Winter is great at these themes, they are at the core of the book, but they never feel that they loom over everything to its detriment. The action scenes remain a highlight of the book. Evan's fight scenes are visceral and carry a weight to them, especially when they fight the demons in Isihogo. Tau still feels a mark above those around him, but that gap is narrowed in this book. I have to say that I am so glad that the dragons in this world are not real. They feel far more dangerous than many of their contemporaries in other works of fiction

    This book is a brilliant continuation of the story that began in The Rage of Dragons. I would recommend that anyone give this book a look. This is a fully realized world with strong characters and brilliant action throughout. I hope that Evan's next entry keeps the momentum going, and I am excited to discover where the story will lead.

    This is an easy 4.5 out of 5. Give this a look if you enjoy fantasy or just a damn good read. Evan Winter has rapidly become one of my favourite authors, and I can't wait to see what he will do next.

Honourbound by Rachel Harrison, a review. A great novel with well written characters and great attention to detail. 40k at its best.


Honourbound by Rachel Harrison, a review.

    I got this book in a bundle collection, and up until I began to read through the first pages, I had never read anything by Rachel Harrison before. I am glad that is no longer the case. The story follows the journey of the Commissar Severina Raine, assigned to the Eleventh Antari Rifles. Under the High Command of the Bale Stars Crusade, they seek to deal with the Sighted and rid the Bale Star cluster of their influence. The Eleventh is a mix of characters that stand out well, even amid the chaos of this crusade. Harrison has given them all a strong sense of identity and agency that makes them feel unique and important to the story. Raine stands out amongst them all as the main protagonist but only just. Through the events that surround Raine and her companions, we get a story that spans the world they seek to free from the clutches of the Sighted. More than that, we get a deep look into Raine's backstory and the events that have shaped the Commissar and forged her into the warrior she is. In many ways, we get a woman that is haunted by the actions of others, determined to ensure that she stands strong where others could not.

    The story begins simply enough. They seek to rid the planet of the sighted, to remove this stain on the Bale systems, and return the order to every world that continues to fight against the chaos incursion. That simplicity will fade as we delve into a story steeped into corruption, of a force that works within the crusade to subvert their efforts and may even be in league with the Sighted. Raine begins her investigation into this potential and discovers that the threat runs deeper than she could imagine. It threatens not just herself but all those under her command. The story holds up well, with a deep connection to Raine's past. We see how the fear of death and of defeat can drive some to dire or desperate actions. Among the collection of characters that make up Grey Company, Wyck, Lydia Zane, and Andren Fel are easily my favorites. Wyck is a mess of violence and fear, Zane the outcast among her people, and Fel is the most dangerous of them all, the silent dagger in the dark. Harrison weaves a great history around the Antari that bleeds into everything, their beliefs are always on display and inform their interactions. It gives the Antari a unique feel and makes them feel more real amid the mass of armies that fill the lore of the 40k universe. I have to give praise to Harrison for that, outside of the Tanith First and only, rarely do the Imperial Guard feel so individual. She utilizes that individuality to help drive them and show just how effective a force they are.

    The action in this book is written well. It has a frenetic feel as we follow Wyck and his 'Wyldfolk', the sergeant moving faster and further ahead than any of those that follow him. He is constantly in motion, and it feels that no matter what he achieves, it is never enough for him. The action around Zane, the primaris psyker, highlights the danger of one of her potential and shows just how much these individuals should be feared in the Warhammer 40k universe. From her interactions in a space within the mind and the destruction she levels on the field of battle, Zane is written as someone with a great deal of focus and purpose. Andren Fel leads the scout squad that is used for a number of purposes, and he is written like a thoughtful but dangerous man, the father figure to those beside him and someone born to the shadows. There is more to each of them and we discover that as the story unfolds, we see aspects to each of them that their companions do not, see what lies beneath the surface. Interestingly we get the hint of a possible romance between Raine and Fel, something that is not common in the 40k books I've read but it works in the background and never feels forced. 

    This is a mystery story amid the background of armies at play, it works best when it centers on the characters and their POV, Harrison is a great character writer and I look forward to more entries in the future. I certainly hope Games Workshop utilizes her more as they expand the new storyline amid the return of Guilliman. 

    I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars. It is a great read for any 40k fan. It works well on a number of levels, and I look forward to where Raine's story might lead next. If you are a fan of sci-fi and/or grimdark then this book is definitely worth a look. Let me know if you've read this book or have any more recommendations for 40k or sci-fi in general.

The Tomb. The Watchers Book 1, a review. A story by Carl Novakovich. A story of Demons, Angels, and the fate in the world. All set to the backdrop of the Windy City. Say hello to John Gideon of Chicago.


The Tomb by Carl Novakovich, a review.

    This book is the first in the series and the first book that I have been approached to review. A novel experience in itself. I wasn't sure what to expect from this book. I've had mixed experiences with urban fantasy over the years. Some are brilliantly written and work well, others, however, have fallen short of such accolades. Thankfully this one edges closer to the better of the lot. I won't tell you this is the best book I've ever read, it definitely has some faults, but overall I enjoyed it and would happily read what comes next in the series. 

    The premise is a simple one. We have a young former detective that gets caught up in a plan to bring about the apocalypse, dragged in as he seeks his missing partner. This follows a similar pattern in many ways. We, the reader, are brought along with John as the events unfold around him. The story unfolds from several different points of view, with John's being the main one. I will say that at just over 200 pages this is not the lengthiest novel, and it might have been worth extending the page count to flesh out some points of the story. That being said, the short length and fast pace mean the story never falters or stutters as we race to the conclusion of the tale. John is written well, though some of his thoughts seemed a little out of place at times, given the circumstances he finds himself in. I do like his humor on display, and John has a strong identity. Technically the writing is not overly flowery, and there is a strong sense of direction throughout. I would have preferred a greater descriptive style, but that is a personal preference, and I won't drag down the review of this book for Carl's personal style of writing. I will say that his villains and background characters feel real enough that there is a weight to events as they unfold. His use of a certain Angel as the main antagonist is a favorite of mine. I have always had a fondness for his character after watching Fallen with Denzel Washington. I would have liked to see greater use of demons, more of the differences of the types of demons in use utilized, and more of the history of some of the characters. Some of the romantic elements did not work for me, but again that is because I'm not such a big fan, in general, of those elements. 

    All in all, I would give this 3 out of 5 stars. It is a quick read that will hold your attention until the very end and has enough of a cliffhanger to grab your interest for the next installment. So if you're looking for a quick read, and after some demons and Angels, give this book a go. You might find your next series. 

Yarrick: Imperial Creed by David Annandale. A review and look at one of the most famous of Warhammer 40k's character in the years before his battle at Armageddon.


Yarrick: Imperial Creed, a review.

    Commissar Yarrick. A legend in the universe of Warhammer 40k. The Old Man that saved Armageddon, that stood against the great Waaagh! of the second war for Armageddon. Many are the tales of his indomitable will, of his refusal to bend or break against his many foes. He is the bearer of the 'Evil Eye' that Orks fear and the man determined to bring an end to the 'Beast of Armageddon'. The Commissar in this tale is not yet that man. He has yet to face the many trials that will shape him into the figure of legend. Much of this story is told from the perspective of Yarrick as he recounts the events of his youth, the older Commissar noting his own views on his actions within the events as they unfold. It is a narrative that works well as we also switch to other characters to relay events that Yarrick did not witness firsthand. David Annandale does a great job of moving between these characters and holds the story together well overall. This was a far better story than I had been expecting.

    The prologue begins with the events surrounding the doom of Mistral. Detailing the events that will drag in Yarrick and continue to be felt many years after their initiation. It starts with a preacher of the Ecclesiarchy, a small man that preaches with little more than bitterness and resentment towards all those around him that have rubbed him the wrong way. This man falls afoul of an accident as he wanders from one hab to another. He walks a path less frequented and falls down a narrow chute, injuring himself badly on the way down. It is here that the whispers begin, and in this moment of weakness, the preacher accepts the aid of something he should have stood against. The story proper opens up with Yarrick, beginning his time as a new Commissar, having only recently completed his time amid the Schola Progenium and having earned his new position and identity. No longer does he stand with the soldiers of the Imperium, it is his place to guide them, to stand apart and usher them as the will of the Emperor dictates. Yarrick is placed with the 77th Mortisian Infantry Regiment and watches them for the first time onboard the Scythe of Terra as we are introduced to him. He stands there with his peer, Seroff, and the Lord Commissar Simeon Rasp, the older man seeking to teach the new officers as they watch the forces mustered beneath them. This story is very much centered around Yarrick coming to grip with his new role, about the lessons the events teach him, and how they will shape the man that he will eventually become. These forces have come to Mistral to put down a heretical uprising by one of the Barons of this world, though things will rapidly spiral beyond their initial intent and expectation. What starts out as something small becomes far greater and deadlier than any had anticipated, leading to death and chaos on a grand scale.

    The character work here is solid. Yarrick is an interesting enough protagonist, the young commissar shaped by the horrors that emerge upon this world, retelling the tale from his point of view. I enjoyed how the older man reflected on his previous choices with the wisdom of age and experience. His handling of Saultern, the Captain of the Third Company, highlights his own views on how to tackle his role and how he views how the Commissariat should function. The story, in general, is focused on corruption and faith, though that is something of a simplification in many regards. It is interesting to see how the elements of Chaos and Daemons are handled from the position of a Commissar. It is a unique approach that deviates greatly from that of such forces as the Space Marines. The use of the character Wangenheim is done with just the right amount of weight, his innate sense of self-worth, and his use of the Ecclesiarchy to his own ends is handled well by Annandale. The selfishness of Wangenheim and his abuse of his position of power play heavily into the overall arc of this story. Without him, it is safe to say that much of this would have played out differently. Though, how differently is open to debate. I liked the conflict between Yarrick and Inquisitor Krauss, of how they clashed on a very fundamental level whilst working, largely, to the same ends. Krauss is a very unforgiving character, bound to the rules of his position with no amount of leeway given for those that fall under his gaze. The use of a squad of the Sisters of Battle, the Adepta Sororitas, is interesting as we see how they appear to the rank and file of the Warhammer universe. The power-armored warriors of the Ecclesiarch are bound to Wangenheim through his politicking and are caught between their duty and their desire to do more. It is only as a specific kind of threat arises that they are freed from their duty to Wangenheim.

    The action within this book is done in the typical fashion of the Warhammer 40k universe. It is brutal and well written throughout, not too graphic but provides enough detail to feel the weight of these events. The scale of the battles escalates as the book unfolds, the fights carrying more weight and import to them as the depth of corruption is unveiled. The fighting, as it reaches the climax of the book, becomes more focused and detailed, as Yarrick and the others clash with a piece of the Realm of Chaos itself. Seeing how these mere mortals face off against this terror is a perspective that is both interesting and terrifying. The Realm of Chaos has always been something that has been shaped by the perspective of the author, Annandale does a great job with his descriptive work of such a fell influence. The twisting, mutating nature of this perverse Realm seeps into the 'real world, and they fight desperately to prevent it from spreading to the entirety of the planet.

    Yarrick: Imperial Creed is a solid read with some great set pieces, along with a character that is interesting with a decent amount of development throughout. I am looking forward to reading through the rest of the series, though that is tempered somewhat by the reviews of the books. Yarrick has always been a character that I have wanted to learn more about, and this is a good place to start. It lacks a certain something that would push it into being a great book but is well worth a look for those interested in the central character.

    This book is a solid, 3.5 out of 5 stars, in my opinion. Any fan of Warhammer 40k should give this book a read, though I would say there are better options out there. David Annandale is a decent author, and I've read several of his other novels over the years. I am looking forward to what other works he has yet to come out.