Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, a review.
Having just played through the remake of Resident Evil 4, I was feeling nostalgic for the Resident Evil universe. I wanted to look at this film and see what it brought to the table. Having thought the Mila Jovovich films were fun but not linked to the games remotely, I wondered if this closer adaptation would be any good. Unfortunately, it falls short. That's not to say there aren't good moments in there, but it feels like a poor copy of richer material. Now the game is over twenty years old, and there is room for a reinterpretation, but they fail to hold true to what makes some of these characters interesting and even change their backstories to fit this new narrative. Of course, this is my opinion and not something that may bother others. In all aspects, this film takes itself more seriously than the previous entries but lacks the entertainment value that at least made them fun.
This is a retelling of the story from Resident Evil one and two, with the main protagonists from both games here. There are set pieces used directly from the games along with characters. Now some people had issues with the castings for some of the characters, most noticeable Leon, as he now looks nothing like the character, but I had no issue with that. My issue is more about the change in his character, how he interacts with the world, and the person he is. And Leon is just one of the several that has been changed into a poor copy of the game character. Leon is a bumbling, heavy-drinking idiot, Wesker is a dumb arse, and even Jill is changed to more of a cocky, arrogant individual. Not film ruining, but it takes something away from what I enjoyed about them originally. Wesker was intelligent, manipulative, and in on the whole thing. Here, he is nothing more than a mercenary for hire and something of an idiot. They've thrown in a poor attempt at a love triangle between Wesker, Jill, and Chris, which goes nowhere. I don't mind the changes with Claire, as she is more of a badass here, but the backstory changes for her and Chris seem a bit forced and contrived. Chris and Claire were raised in the orphanage in Raccoon City, where Dr William Birkin worked. This orphanage was sponsored by Umbrella, and we can assume that some bad things were done here. It turns out that Claire ran away whilst Chris stayed, with Dr Birkin becoming something akin to a father figure. There is tension between the siblings, with Claire not speaking to Chris in five years. And Raccoon city is no longer a city. At least that's how it looks when panned out, looking more like a desolate town than a city.
So we get to Racoon city and see that people are showing signs of illness, often blood running from their eyes. Claire is back because of what she believes Umbrella has done to their home, and Chris is a member of Stars, a separate branch of the police force. We get the ream going to Spencer manor whilst the events at the police station unfold. If you have played the games, then you know how things will play out. There are a few minor tweaks, but it follows how the games played out, though Leon is just about useless and would die without Claire. The other team splits up in the mansion, and things quickly devolve into a fight for their lives, with several of them dying. There are some decent action sequences here, but they are all too brief. Things quickly spiral, with hordes of the infected after the Stars members and Leon and Claire. It becomes a desperate struggle to find a way free of it, and we get the Birkin family attempting to flee with a quick detour to retrieve some of the doctor's work. It turns out that Wesker is after the same thing, phials of the G-virus. This confrontation doesn't go well, leading to the deaths of the adult Birkins and Wesker. Unfortunately, William managed to inject himself with the G-virus before being shot. And he begins to mutate as the others flee. We inevitably race towards the ending, with Birkin continuing to mutate and Claire reuniting with her brother. All of this before the end boss battle. It is like the game in many ways, with Leon finally being useful and putting down the devolved Birkin.
This film could have been so much better. If you're going to stick to the original story and characters, then stick to them. The changes to the characters were cringe-worthy, turning Leon into a complete idiot and the others nothing more than caricatures. The action was okay, but there wasn't a lot of it. It's an okay watch if you've got nothing else to do on a rainy day and want to turn your brain off. I'd give this a 4 out of 10, a below-average film that had the potential to be much better.