Frigh Night (2011), a review.
I love this film, and I know it isn't the greatest film ever, but it is so damn enjoyable. I enjoyed the original Fright Night and its sequel growing up, and I was unsure if a remake/reboot would hold up against how I held the originals. This is a better film in many ways. The comedy is more on point, with solid performances from Anton Yelchin and Colin Farell carrying this film. Farell plays the vampire, Jerry, with a slick charm, whilst Yelchin's Charlie is sweet and a little bumbling. David Tennent's Peter Vincent is the best thing about this film, a charlatan with a slick performance but a vulnerability beneath the surface. Imogen Poots plays Amy, but unfortunately, she doesn't get enough time to truly shine, though her performance is solid throughout.
The premise is a simple one. Jerry moves into the house next door to Charlie and his mom, and it turns out Jerry is a vampire. Charlie gets dragged into this situation reluctantly, unaware of the danger until it is pointed out to him by an estranged friend. Charlie is a young man doing his best to separate himself from his nerdy past, trying to be cool in the hopes that Amy will stay with him. He acts self-assured, but underneath, he remains anxious and geeky. Yelchin does a great job of displaying this in his performance, making Charlie exciting and likeable. His old friend, Ed, blackmails him into helping him look for a missing friend, and Charlie agrees. As the pair search their friend's house, with no sign of anything strange in the place, Ed explains that Jerry is a vampire and that he has proof. The pair bicker, and we see the root of their problem. Charlie wants to outgrow the nerdy things he did, whilst Ed holds onto them, causing resentment. Ed disrespects Amy, and Charlie lashes out before leaving Ed alone. That turns out to be a mistake, as, after an encounter with a bully, Ed runs into Jerry. Fleeing into a house, Ed thinks he is safe until Jerry walks in without pause. After a quick chase, Jerry turns Ed, and the film moves to Charlie.
Seeing that Ed is missing from class, Charlie goes to his house to look for the proof Ed told him about. And he finds it, seeing that Jerry doesn't show up on camera. Freaked out by this, Charlie goes home. And has an encounter with Jerry, the older man subtly threatening Charlie, saying he should mind his own business. Of course, Charlie can't do that. After seeing his neighbour go into Jerry's house, Charlie calls the cops, and they do nothing. So, determined to find her, he sneaks into Jerry's house. This is where Charlie sees him feed on Dolores. Terrified, he watches, unable to do anything, and after Jerry leaves, Charlie picks the lock to free her. Throughout their escape, Jerry is aware of them, leaving them alone as he knows what will happen once Dolores gets out into the sun. And it isn't pretty.
Shaken by this encounter, Charlie begins to unravel a little, looking for any help he can get. That leads him to Peter Vincent, a magician/illusionist who supposedly specialises in Vampire lore. Pretending to be a journalist on his first assignment, Charlie gets an interview with the magician. He is not what Charlie had been expecting, brash, foul-mouthed, and unable/unwilling to help the young man. Dispondent, Charlie returns home, where Jerry decides to make a move. And the whole house goes with it. After a chase and brief scuffle, the family gets away, but Mrs Brewster is hurt and ends up in the hospital. Charlie gets a call and goes to Peter Vincent with Amy at his side. This time Peter tells them of the type of vampire they're up against, how hardy they are, and what it would take just to take one out. Unfortunately, they have been followed. Ed and Jerry turn up, and things turn bloody. They manage to kill Ed but flee from Jerry. Charlie manages to get away, but Amy is taken by Jerry. Determined to get her back, Charlie goes back to Peter. The magician is unwilling to go with him, retelling his own tale of an encounter with a vampire, but gives him a stake blessed by St Michael in the hopes that he can turn Amy back to human.
Arming up, Charlie goes to the house, leading to a confrontation with Jerry and Amy. With Peter's help, they defeat Jerry and return Amy, and several others, back to being human. Thankfully, this is a happy-ever-after kind of ending. Again, this is a fun film. It doesn't take itself too seriously and does the comedy, horror, and action well. I loved the interactions between Peter and Charlie, and I'm a big fan of David Tennant anyway. Colin Farrell is great as Jerry, managing to walk that fine line between intimidating and charismatic. I give this film a 7 out of 10, though it's closer to an 8 out of 10 for me, and I recommend it to fans of horror/comedy.
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